
Research Papers

Research papers addressing one of the conference research topics should be original, unpublished elsewhere and no longer than 5,000 words. Papers should be submitted in .doc or .rtf format. We suggest that the text of the submitted papers is proofread by a language editor, English native speaker. Research papers addressing one of the conference research topics should be original, unpublished elsewhere and no longer than 5,000 words. Papers should be submitted in .doc or .rtf format. We suggest that the text of the submitted papers is proofread by a language editor, English native speaker.

Research-in-Progress Papers

Research-in-progress papers typically represent work that is not yet complete, but promising in certain area of “e” theme research. Research-in-progress papers addressing one of the conference research topic should be original, unpublished elsewhere and not longer than 2.500 words. All the papers will be evaluated in a similar manner as full papers (double-blind review). Accepted papers will be presented at the conference and will appear in the conference proceedings.

Review Process 

All papers will be reviewed by two referees. Based on the recommendations of the reviewers, the Research Track Chair accepts the paper; demands minor or major changes, or rejects the paper.

Please use the following template for your paper:


We are using Easy Chair system.

Please follow the link to submit your paper.