The Bled Doctoral Consortium provides an opportunity for doctoral and research master students to write and present on an aspect of their research. Whether you are just at the beginning or further advanced, there will be an aspect of your research that you can write up, have reviewed by experienced advisors, and present to your peers at the Bled Doctoral Consortium.
Submit your intention to participate to the co-chairs. Doing this well in advance of the consortium date will allow the co-chairs to guide you, together with your supervisor, in the preparation of a suitable contribution to be presented at the consortium, and published in a research volume associated with the Bled eConference.
This day provides a rich experience for both students and supervisors about the process of research – the research journey.
Students are welcome to submit papers about their research (master or PhD level).
The suggested outline of the papers is:
- Introduction,
- Problem definition,
- Methodology,
- Preliminary/Expected results,
- Future development.
Papers should be up to 12 pages long (including references) and submitted via the submission system using the same template as research papers.
We encourage supervisors to join us in the exciting session and provide their feedback on all presentations.
The final papers after evaluation and suggestions provided at the consortium will be published in the conference proceedings, under the Doctoral Consortium section.
Doctoral Consortium Co-chairs
Doug Vogel, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Roger Bons, Professor, Open University, the Netherlands
Johan Versendaal, HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht and Open University of the Netherlands, Netherlands
Nilmini Wickramasinghe, Swinburne University of Technology and Epworth HealthCare, Australia