Monday, 16th of March 2020, Kranj, Slovenia
Monday, 16th of March 2020, Kranj, Slovenija – Case study presentation (via Skype)
- 14:00 – 14:15: Company introduction
- 14:15 – 14:45: Problem presentation
- 14:45 – 15:00: Questions and answers
We would like to invite you to our traditional international student case study competition which will take place in Portoroz, Slovenia.
The concept of a case study is a methodologically and educationally oriented challenge, aimed at integration of different theoretical concepts and situations from the real business environment, in other words, a Case Study is a documented study of specific real-life situations, used as a training tool, where students are required to analyse the prescribed case and present their solutions to the company representatives. For this reason alone, the Case Study methodology allows participants a detailed insight into a practical business-oriented problem of a studied organization or a company, through diverse discussions as a method of active learning, which promotes the implementation and development of critical and creative thinking needed in the field of management.
But case study competition isn’t just a competition. It is a chance to present yourselves as an active part of student community, meet new people and employees (or company representatives) and learn new valuable skills.
– Possibility of gaining new skills and knowledge.
– An option to meet company representatives and to present your skill set.
– Receiving a certificate of attendance that you can use in your resume.
– You are excused of paying any application fees.
– From 14th to 21st March 2024.
– On Thursday 14th March 2024 case giving company will present their company and this year’s case study problem via online tool MS Teams.
– You will have one week to develop a solution, so on Thursday 21st March 2024 each team will present their solution in Portoroz, Slovenia.
– The winners of the competition will be announced on the last day of the competition (21st March 2024) in Portorož, Slovenia.
– You will receive the exact agenda after your registration.
– Teams that apply for the competition must consist at least 4 students and maximum 6 students.
– You will be presenting your solutions in English.
– Presentation of each team is limited to 15 minutes.
– At the beginning of the competition participants will be presented with the rules of case study competition (in details) and the key frameworks of a business-related problem from Slovenian company that is a sponsor of the competition.
– Students have one week to solve the problem/s.
– You can apply for the case study by March 8th, 2024 via the form:
– Application form:
Thursday, 14th of March, 2024 – Case Study Presentation
The presentation of the case study will take place in the MS Teams tool. We recommend that all competitors download the tool to their computers:
AROUND 12:45: MS Teams test call
Before the case study presentation, we will perform MS Teams test call to assure that entire broadcast will run as smoothly as possible.
Log in to MS Teams. When joining MS Teams, you must set your name to the following template: Team NameofTeam.
For example: Team FOV.
Turn off your cameras and microphones when you register for an event. Turn on the microphone when the questions section for the company is open.
Link to the event (Presentation of Case Study):
CASE STUDY PRESENTATION – 14.3.2024 (via MS Teams):
Thursday, 21st of March, 2024 – Case Study Competition
9:00 – 9:30: Broadcasting a presentation on a computer in a conference room
You must submit your presentations to the conference (Congress Centre) by 9:30 on the computer in the conference room.
10:00 – 13:00: Case study competition
We will begin our Case Study competition at 10:00 with an official opening and welcome address. After that teams will be asked to leave the hall where only starting team will stay and begin with the presentation.
After all the presentations are made case study refereeing commission will take couple of minutes to select and announce the winner of the competition.
12:50 – 13:10: Break – Jury consultation
13:10 – 13:30: Award ceremony
13:30 – Lunch
After the awards ceremony, a lunch is organized together with the competition committee. You will have the opportunity to chat with them and get additional information.
In case you need any help or if you have questions contact Career Center of the Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Telephone number: +386 4 23 74 245
Email address:
The concept of a case study is a methodologically and educationally oriented challenge, aimed at integration of different theoretical concepts and situations from the real business environment, in other words, a Case Study is a documented study of specific real-life situations, used as a training tool, where students are required to analyze the prescribed case and present their solutions to the company representatives. For this reason alone the Case Study methodology allows participants a detailed insight into a practical business-oriented problem of a studied organization or a company, through diverse discussions as a method of active learning, which promotes the implementation and development of critical and creative thinking needed in the field of management.
But case study competition isn’t just a competition. It is a chance to present yourselves as an active part of student community, meet new people and employees (or company representatives) and learn new valuable skills.
In this document, please find general information about our event and some preliminary data for application.
– Possibility of gaining new skills and knowledge.
– An option to meet company representatives and to present your skill set.
– Receiving a certificate of attendance that you can use in your resume.
– You are excused of paying any application fees.
– From 10th to 18th March 2021.
– On Wednesday 10th March 2021 case giving company will present their company and this year’s case study problem via online tool MS Teams.
– You will have one week to develop a solution, so on Wednesday 17th March 2021 each team will present their solution.
– The winners of the competition will be announced on the last day of the competition (18th March 2021).
– You will receive the exact agenda after your registration.
– Teams that apply for the competition must consist at least 4 students and maximum 5 students.
– You will be presenting your solutions in English.
– At the beginning of the competition participants will be presented with the rules of case study competition (in details) and the key frameworks of a business-related problem from Slovenian company that is a sponsor of the competition.
– Students have one week to solve the problem/s.
– You can apply for the case study by March 5, 2021 via the form published on the website:
Your primary assigned contact: Marina Đorđeski
Telephone number: +386 31 374 799
Email address:
Your secondary assigned contact: Career Center of the Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Telephone number: +386 4 23 74 245
Email address:
Group of students can sign up on this application form until 5th March 2021 or until all vacant posts are filled up.
Wednesday, 10th of March, 2021:
Wednesday, 17th of March, 2021:
Thursday, 18th of March, 2021:
The Faculty’s annual Case Study competition is an opportunity where international students can show off their business innovation skills at the 41st International Conference on Organizational Science Development.
The Concept of Case Study
The concept of a case study is a methodologically and educationally oriented challenge, aimed at integration of different theoretical concepts and situations from the real business environment, in other words, a Case Study is a documented study of specific real-life situations, used as a training tool, where students are required to analyze the prescribed case and present their solutions to the company representatives. For this reason alone the Case Study methodology allows participants a detailed insight into a practical business-oriented problem of a studied organization or a company, through diverse discussions as a method of active learning, which promotes the implementation and development of critical and creative thinking needed in the field of management.
Time and duration
The International Case Study competition will take place at the jubilee 40th International Conference on Organizational Science Development. Participants are first presented (via Skype) with the key characteristics of the selected business-oriented problem (short presentations of the organization/company, studied product/service, business problem identification and guidance in finding a solution). On the last day of the competition, each team will present their solutions. They will be evaluated and the winning team will be declared.
The company presentation and the announcement of the case will be held at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj (Kidričeva cesta 55a, 4000 Kranj) and via Skype, the case solving and the final presentations will be held in Portoroz.
Teams and groups
Maximum of eight (8) groups of students can participate in the case study competition. Each individual group can be composed of at least four (4) and maximum five (5) students.
Group of students can sign up on this application form until all vacant posts are filled up.
The Faculty’s annual Case Study competition is an opportunity where international students can show off their business innovation skills at the jubilee 40th International Conference on Organizational Science Development.
The Concept of Case Study
The concept of a case study is a methodologically and educationally oriented challenge, aimed at integration of different theoretical concepts and situations from the real business environment, in other words, a Case Study is a documented study of specific real-life situations, used as a training tool, where students are required to analyze the prescribed case and present their solutions to the company representatives. For this reason alone the Case Study methodology allows participants a detailed insight into a practical business-oriented problem of a studied organization or a company, through diverse discussions as a method of active learning, which promotes the implementation and development of critical and creative thinking needed in the field of management.
Time and duration
The International Case Study competition will take place at the jubilee 40th International Conference on Organizational Science Development. Participants are first presented (via Skype) with the key characteristics of the selected business-oriented problem (short presentations of the organization/company, studied product/service, business problem identification and guidance in finding a solution). On the last day of the competition, each team will present their solutions. They will be evaluated and the winning team will be declared.
The company presentation and the announcement of the case will be held at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj (Kidričeva cesta 55a, 4000 Kranj) and via Skype, the case solving and the final presentations will be held in Portoroz.
Teams and groups
Maximum of eight (8) groups of students can participate in the case study competition. Each individual group can be composed of at least four (4) and maximum five (5) students.
Group of students can sign up on this application form until 5th March 2021 or until all vacant posts are filled up.
More information
For more information you can also contact Career Center of the Faculty of Organizational Sciences through:
Čas/Time: Sreda / Wednesday, 20. 3. / 9:45 - 18:30
Dvorana/hall: Cristoforo Colombo
Jezik/Language: SLO
Skozi to edinstveno združitev dogodkov bomo skupaj z udeleženci raziskovali kako trajnostni razvoj podjetij in napredek digitalnih tehnologij preoblikujejo poslovni svet. Pri tem bomo naslavljali aktualne teme potencialnih sinergij med zelenim in digitalnim prehodom, ki so ključne za oblikovanje prihodnosti, kjer tehnologija in trajnost hodita z roko v roki. Vse skupaj pa bomo povezali z izzivi razvoja znanja in kompetenc, ki so potrebni za uspešno pot v prihodnosti, ki jo oblikujejo zelene in digitalne inovacije.
Dogodek je namenjen strokovnjakom, inženirjem in poslovnežem iz proizvodnih in industrijskih podjetij, ki so na poti preoblikovanja v digitalno, zeleno in ljudem prijazno prihodnost v svojem podjetju.
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