Program 40. online mednarodne konference o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti

Programme of the 40th Online International Conference on Organizational Science Development




Sreda | Wednesday, 17. 03. 2021

9:00 - 10:00

Otvoritev konference in uvodna predavanja / Opening of the Conference with Key Note Lectures 
vodi/chair: Polona Šprajc

10:00 - 14:00




10:00 - 12:00


10:00 - 11:30

10:00 - 11:30

Mednarodno tekmovanje v reševanju študije primera / International Case Study Competition
vodi/chair: Marko Urh

Doktorska sekcija / PHD Session
vodi/chair: Mirjana Kljajić Borštnar

Management poslovnih in delovnih procesov / Business Process Management
vodi/chair: Damjan Maletič

Management v zdravstvu / Health Care Management
vodi/chair: Vladislav Rajkovič

12:30 - 14:00



12:30 - 14:00

12:30 - 14:00

Okoljski management / Environmental Management
vodi/chair: Alenka Baggia

Kadrovski management / Human Resource Management
vodi/chair: Mojca Bernik

Marketing in turizem / Marketing & Tourism
vodi/chair: Goran Vukovič

Otvoritev konference in uvodna predavanja

Vodi/Chair: Polona Šprajc
Čas/Time: Sreda / Wednesday, 17. 3. / 9:00 - 10:00

Jezik/Language: ENG

1. Adapting Business to Sustainble Development and New Technology
Sandra Jednak,
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organisational Sciences, Serbia

2. Knowledge Management as a Facilitator of Organizational Change
Sandra Lovrenčić,
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Croatia

3. Building an Asset Management System for Engineered Physical Assets: a Contemporary Perspective
Damjan Maletič,
University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Slovenia

Mednarodno tekmovanje v reševanju študije primera

International Case Study Competition
Vodi/Chair: Marko Urh
Čas/Time: Sreda / Wednesday, 17. 3. / 10:00 - 14:00

Jezik/Language: ENG

The concept of a case study is a methodologically and educationally oriented challenge, aimed at integration of different theoretical concepts and situations from the real business environment, in other words, a Case Study is a documented study of specific real-life situations, used as a training tool, where students are required to analyze the prescribed case and present their solutions to the company representatives. For this reason alone the Case Study methodology allows participants a detailed insight into a practical business-oriented problem of a studied organization or a company, through diverse discussions as a method of active learning, which promotes the implementation and development of critical and creative thinking needed in the field of management. But case study competition isn’t just a competition. It is a chance to present yourselves as an active part of student community, meet new people and employees (or company representatives) and learn new valuable skills.

More information:


  • March 10th, 2021, at 10:00 hrs - Presentation of the Case Study Challenge
  • March 17th, 2021, at 10:00 - 14:00 hrs - Students' Case Study Presentations
  • March 18th, 2021, at 13:00 hrs - Results Announcement
  • Doktorska sekcija

    PhD Session
    Vodi/Chair: Mirjana Kljajić Borštnar
    Čas/Time: Sreda / Wednesday, 17. 3. / 10:00 - 12:00

    Jezik/Language: ENG

    1. How can an AI supported, self-assessment tool raise standards of digital health services during COVID-19 emergency?
    Neja Samar Brenčič, Malcolm Fisk, Uroš Rajkovič

    2. Application of Business Intelligence in the Post-Industrial Period
    Ugo Udović

    3. Why is the standardization of telehealth services important in the context of digital health strategies, especially during the Covid-19 epidemic?
    Neja Samar Brenčič, Malcolm Fisk

    4. Upravljanje s tveganji v kritični infrastrukturi / Risk Management in Critical Infrastructure
    Marina Đorđeski, Mirjana Radovanović, Aleksandar Andrejević, Iztok Podbregar

    5. Influencing Factors of Digital Transformation in SMEs – Literature Review
    Blaž Gašperlin, Andreja Pucihar, Mirjana Kljajić Borštnar

    6. An Overview of Social Impact Research Methods
    Helga Moze

    7. Doseganje zaposljivosti pri starajoči delovni sili: Vloga starosti in doseganje ciljnih usmeritev / Achieving Employability in an Ageing Workforce: The Role of Age and the Achievement of Targets
    Nena Hribar, Polona Šprajc

    Management poslovnih in delovnih procesov

    Business Process Management
    Vodi/Chair: Damjan Maletič
    Čas/Time: Sreda / Wednesday, 17.3. / 10:00 - 11:30

    Jezik/Language: SLO

    1. Analiza uporabe metod in tehnik izboljševanja poslovnih procesov / Analysis of Methods and Techniques Used for Business Processes Improvement
    Eva Krhač Andrašec, Tomaž Kern, Matjaž Roblek, Benjamin Urh

    2. Vpliv relacijskih kompetenc na uspešnost oskrbovalne verige / Influence of Relational Competences on a Supply Chain Peformance
    Dušan Mežnar

    3. Vpliv epidemije COVID-19 na odpis blaga v podjetju za distribucijo sadja in zelenjave / The Impact of the COVID-19 Epidemic on the Erite-off of Goods in a Fruit and Vegetable Distribution Company
    Alma Jesih Ramčilović

    4. Digitalni dvojčki v ergonomskih ureditvah delovnih mest / Digital Twins in Ergonomic Workplaces Arrangements
    Zvone Balantič, Branka Balantič, Branka Jarc Kovačič

    5. Linear Asset Management: a Case Study of Overhead Transmission Lines
    Damjan Maletič, Viktor Lovrenčič, Nenad Gubeljak, Yuri Tsimberg, Nuno Marques De Almeida, Ana Lovrenčič, Matjaž Maletič

    Management v zdravstvu

    Health Care Management
    Vodi/Chair: Vladislav Rajkovič
    Čas/Time: Sreda / Wednesday, 17. 3. / 10:00 - 11:30

    Jezik/Language: SLO

    1. Skupaj za prijazno, vključujoče in varno delovno okolje / Together for a Friendly, Inclusive and Safe Work Environment
    Danijela Kralj, Irena Istenič, Nevenka Šestan

    2. Ekonomsko breme bolezni mišično-skeletnega sistema in vezivnega tkiva ter vpliv posledic na delo v organizacijah / The Economic Burden of Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue and the Consequences on Work in Organizations
    Sabina Sedlak, Sandra Simonović, Marjetka Jelenc

    3. Reorganizacija službe na primarnem nivoju v času epidemije COVID-19 / The Reorganization of Primary Health Care During the COVID-19 Epidemic
    Tatjana Kitić, Jože Prestor, Matjaž Maletič

    4. Analiza ukrepov zajezitve SARS-COV-2 virusa v prvem valu pandemije v izbranih državah / Analysis of the Restriction Measures for SARS-COV-2 Virus in the First Wave for the Selected Countries
    Branko Gabrovec

    Okoljski management

    Environmental Management
    Vodijo/Chairs: Alenka Baggia
    Čas/Time: Sreda / Wednesday, 17. 3. / 12:30 - 14:00

    Jezik/Language: ENG

    1. Environment, Lifestyle and Health Status: European Perspective
    Kristina Seke, Ljiljana Marković Denić, Velimir Štavljanin, Zoran Radojičić, Nataša Petrović

    2. Environmental Chemical Disasters and an Example of Security Report
    Teodora Jelić, Nataša Petrović & Jasna Petković

    3. Towards the Circular Economy in Croatia - the Perspective of EU Green Deal on Regional Level
    Mirjana Kovačić, Srđan Kerčević, Emil Burić

    4. Overview of Incentive Models for Photovoltaic Power Plant in Slovenia
    Uroš Breskvar

    5. Impact of Movement Restrictions During the COVID-19 Epidemics on Air Pollution in Slovenia
    Marjan Senegačnik, Davorin Žnidarič, Drago Vuk

    Kadrovski management

    Human Resource Management
    Vodi/Chair: Mojca Bernik
    Čas/Time: Sreda / Wednesday, 17. 3. / 12:30 - 14:00

    Jezik/Language: SLO

    1. Spremljanje zaposljivosti diplomantov / Monitoring the Employability of the Graduates
    Peter Bohinc, Vesna Novak

    2. Usklajevanje delovnega in družinskega življenja: vidik spola / Work-Family Balance: Gender Perspective
    Jasmina Žnidaršič, Mojca Bernik

    3. Zadovoljstvo zaposlenih s podporo podjetja pri usklajevanju dela in družine / Employee Satisfaction with the Company's Support in Work-Family Balance
    Tatjana Kepic, Mojca Bernik, Jasmina Žnidaršič

    4. Najpogostejše napake grajenja dobrih timskih odnosov na daljavo in njihove rešitve
    Marjetka Lucija Prelog

    5. Vpliv uporabe mobilnih aplikacij v organizacijskih procesih na zaposlene / The Influence of Mobile Applications Usage in Organisational Processes on Employees
    Tina Radovanovič, Anja Žnidaršič, Vesna Novak

    Marketing in turizem

    Marketing & Tourism
    Vodi/Chair: Goran Vukovič
    Čas/Time: Sreda / Wednesday, 17. 3. / 12:30 - 14:00

    Jezik/Language: ENG

    1. Analysis of Selected Characteristics of e-Consumer Behavior of Czechs During the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic
    Frantisek Pollak, Peter Markovic, Michal Konecny

    2. Strategic Marketing Planning in Development of Arts and Cultural Institutions
    Radmila Janičić

    3. Leisure and Tourism Activities of People with Special Needs
    Goran Vukovič, Bojan Macuh, Andrej Raposr

    4. Intergenerational Cooperation: Interest of the Youth in Offering Help to the Elderly
    Goran Vukovič, Raspor Andrej, Nuša Erman, Bojan Macuh

    5. Culinary Art as a Competitive Advantage for the Development of Sustainable Tourism – Case Study Bohinj
    Katica Mikelj

    Četrtek | Thursday, 18. 03. 2021

    9:00 - 13:00



    10:30 - 13:00

    10:00 - 11:30


    10:00 - 11:30

    10:00 - 11:30


    Dogodek/Special Event: Meritve - za večjo stopnjo varnosti in zdravja / Measurements for a higher level of safety and health
    vodi/chair: Dominika Razoničnik

    Dogodek: Podelitev nagrade za najboljše kadrovske prakse v Republiki Sloveniji

    Organizacija in management / Organization and Management
    vodi/chair: Andrej Škraba

    Management v zdravstvu / Health Care Management
    vodi/chair: Uroš Rajkovič

    Informatika / Informatics
    vodi/chair: Marjeta Marolt
    SLO / ENG

    Dogodek: Meritve za večjo stopnjo varnosti in zdravja

    Special Event: Measurements for a higher level of safety and health
    Vodi/Chair: Dominika Rozoničnik
    Čas/Time: Četrtek / Thursday, 18. 3. / 9:00 - 13:00

    Jezik/Language: SLO

    Ministrstvo za gospodarski razvoj in tehnologijo, Urad RS za meroslovje in Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede tudi v sklopu konference 2021 napovedujeta skupni brezplačni dogodek, ki bo potekal pod naslovom: »Meritve za večjo stopnjo varnosti in zdravja«. V sklopu dogodka bo potekala tudi okrogla miza z naslovom: Meritve v delovnih okoljih.

    Dogodek je namenjen vsem, ki delujejo na področju meritev, standardov in odličnosti ter vsem, ki kakovost proizvodov in storitev uvrščajo na prvo mesto za kupce in organizacije.

    Program dogodka in prijava:

    Soorganizatorja dogodka / Co-organizers of the event

    Dogodek: Podelitev nagrade za najboljše kadrovske prakse v Republiki Sloveniji

    Čas/Time: Četrtek / Thursday, 18. 3. / 10:30 - 13:00

    Jezik/Language:  SLO

    Ideja za Nagrado za najboljše kadrovske prakse se je porodila na konferenci v letu 2018, ob organizaciji dogodka Zaposleni 4.0, kjer smo na 38. konferenci povezali deležnike, ki soustvarjajo kadrovsko področje v Republiki Sloveniji. Tudi letos, smo skupaj, v soorganizaciji z zaposlitvenim portalom razpisali natečaj za najboljšo kadrovsko prakso, in sicer, glede na razmere zgolj eni kategoriji: Inovativnost na kadrovskem področju v pogojih COVID-19. Na natečaj za najboljše kadrovske prakse se je prijavilo enajst slovenskih podjetij od katerih je, po mnenju strokovne komisije, 6 takih, ki bodo svoja dognanja predstavili na posebnem dogodku. Na dogodku bo šest najboljših predstavilo najboljše kadrovske prakse, ob koncu pa bo strokovna komisija razglasila podjetje z najboljšo kadrovsko prakso.

    Več o programu:

    Soorganizatorja dogodka / Co-organizers of the event

    Organizacija in management

    Organization and Management
    Vodi/Chair: Andrej Škraba
    Čas/Time:  Četrtek/ Thursday, 18. 3. / 10:00 - 11:30

    Jezik/Language: SLO

    1. Vrednote kot podlaga za pravne norme in delovanje organizacij / Values as a Basis for Legal Norms and the Functioning of Organizations
    Albin Igličar

    2. Poslovna etika in pravna načela - dejavnika uspešnosti delovanja organizacij / Business Ethics and Legal Principles - Factor of Performance of Organizations
    Bojan Vavtar, Andrej Škraba

    3. Ali so kolegialna druženja naša vrednota: vodenje sestankov na mnogotero inteligenten način zadeva strateško raven, ne le operativno? / Are Meetings Our Collective Value: Multiple Intelligent Approach to Leading Meetings: Matter Od Strategy, Not Only Operation?
    Judita Peterlin, Vlado Dimovski

    4. LMX – teorija odnosa med vodjo in zaposlenim / LMX - Theory of the Relationship Between the Leader and the Employee
    Timotej Ribič & Miha Marič

    5. Prispevek notranjega revizorja k izboljšavam v organizaciji / The Contribution of the Internal Auditor to Improvements in the Organization
    Tatjana Habjan

    Management v zdravstvu

    Health Care Management
    Vodi/Chair: Uroš Rajkovič
    Čas/Time: Četrtek / Thursday, 18. 3. / 10:00 - 11:30

    Jezik/Language: SLO

    1. Definiranje izrazov krovno upravljanje v obvladovanju raka ter vodenje in nadzor obvladovanja raka / Defining the Terms Governance in Cancer Care and Stewardship in Cancer Control
    Marjetka Jelenc, Tit Albreht

    2. Higiena površin in pripomočkov za večkratno uporabo v domu starejših občanov / Hygiene of Surfaces and Reusable Devices in the Nursing Home
    Urška Rozman, Darja Duh, Mojca Cimerman, Sonja Šostar Turk

    3. Telemedicinske storitve v Sloveniji / Telemedicine Services in Slovenia
    Rant Živa, Drago Rudel

    4. Kriteriji za izbiro kakovostnih in zanesljivih UPS-ov v bolnišnicah / Criteria for Selecting Quality and Reliable UPSes in Hospitals
    Žiga Bobek, Matko Vojko

    5. Sistem cevne zračne pošte UKCL, MF.ZTM, OI pridobitev dragocenega časa pri upravljanju delovnega procesa, ki zelo vpliva na kakovost obravnave bolnika in ima pomembno vlogo pri varnosti zaposlenih in bolnikov (COVID epidemija) / System of Pipe Airmail in University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, Blood transfusion Centre of Slovenia, Faculty of medicine, University of Ljubljana Gaining Valuable Time in Managing the Work Process, which Greatly Affects the Quality of Patient Care and Plays an Important Role in the Safety of the Staff and Patients (especially during Covid-19 epidemic).
    Zlatko Lazarević


    Vodi/Chair:  Marjeta Marolt
    Čas/Time: Četrtek / Thursday, 18. 3. / 10:00 - 11:30

    Jezik/Language: SLO / ENG

    1. Gender Pay Gap in the Czech Economy with Accent on ICT Professionals
    Lea Nedomova, Petr Doucek

    2. Use of e-Invoice in Slovenia
    Marjeta Marolt, Gregor Lenart, Doroteja Vidmar, Andreja Pucihar

    3. Wi-Fi Mobile Blinds Management System Development Project
    Aleksandar Dojčinović, Martin Prelog, Nina Zaletelj Iličič, Gal Eržen Pajič, Tim Sladič, Uroš Rajkovič

    4. Simulation of Participants Registration at an Educational Event
    Karin Močnik, Alenka Baggia, Andrej Škraba

    5. Modeliranje mednarodnih migrantskih tokov na Balkanu
    Blaž Rodič, Aleš Bučar, Igor Bernik

    6. Why Does a Computer Surpass a Human in Chess but Not in Football?
    Vladislav Rajkovič

    RAZGLASITEV REZULTATOV - Mednarodno tekmovanje v reševanju študije primera

    RESULTS ANNOUNCEMENT - International Case Study Competition
    Vodi/Chair: Marko Urh
    Čas/Time: Četrtek / Thursday, 18. 3. / 13:00 - 14:00

    Jezik/Language: ENG

    The concept of a case study is a methodologically and educationally oriented challenge, aimed at integration of different theoretical concepts and situations from the real business environment, in other words, a Case Study is a documented study of specific real-life situations, used as a training tool, where students are required to analyze the prescribed case and present their solutions to the company representatives. For this reason alone the Case Study methodology allows participants a detailed insight into a practical business-oriented problem of a studied organization or a company, through diverse discussions as a method of active learning, which promotes the implementation and development of critical and creative thinking needed in the field of management. But case study competition isn’t just a competition. It is a chance to present yourselves as an active part of student community, meet new people and employees (or company representatives) and learn new valuable skills.

    More information:


  • March 10th, 2021, at 10:00 hrs - Presentation of the Case Study Challenge
  • March 17th, 2021, at 10:00 - 14:00 hrs - Students' Case Study Presentations
  • March 18th, 2021, at 13:00 hrs - Results Announcement

  • Petek | Friday, 19. 03. 2021

    9:00 - 10:30


    9:00 - 10:30




    9:00 - 11:00


    9:00 - 11:00

    9:00 - 10:30


    9:00 - 11:00

    Kadrovski management / Human Resource Management
    vodi/chair: Vesna Novak

    Finančni management / Finance Management
    vodi/chair: Miha Marič

    Management v izobraževanju / Education Management
    vodi/chair: Marko Urh, Eva Jereb
    SLO / ENG

    Kvantitativne metode v managementu / Quantitative methods in Management
    vodi/chair: Anja Žnidaršič

    Trajnostni razvoj / Sustainable Development
    vodi/chair: Maja Meško

    Organizacija in management / Organization and management
    vodi/chair: Polona Šprajc

    11:00 - 11:30

    Zaključna sekcija / Closing session
    vodi/chair: Polona Šprajc

    Kadrovski management

    Human Resource Management
    Vodi/Chair: Vesna Novak
    Čas/Time: Petek / Friday, 19. 3. / 9:00 - 10:30

    Jezik/Language: SLO

    1. Zaposleni kot deležniki v družbeni odgovornosti organizacij / Employees as Stakeholders in the Corporate Cocial Responsibility
    Ana Lambić, Patrik Arh, Evelin Arh, Miha Marič

    2. Modeli kompetenc vodilnih kadrov v kritični infrastrukturi / Leadership Competency Models in Critical Infrastructure
    Marina Đorđeski, Iztok Podbregar

    3. Primerjalna analiza vidikov ravnanja s starejšimi zaposlenimi v velikih podjetjih v Sloveniji / A Comparative Analysis of the Aspects of Managing Older Employees in Slovenian Large Companies
    Anja Vidmar, Janja Jerebic, Vesna Novak

    4. Razvoj kompetenčnega modela projektne pisarne Biotehniškega centra Naklo / Competency Model of the Project Management Office at Biotechnical Centre Naklo
    Martina Kramarič

    5. Izzivi pri odločanju glede načina prevoza na delo / Challenges in Deciding on the Mode of Transport to Work
    Ivana Tušek & Miha Marič

    Finančni management

    Finance management
    Vodi/Chair: Miha Marič
    Čas/Time: Petek / Friday, 19. 3. / 9:00 - 10:30

    Jezik/Language: ENG

    1. Financialization vs. (De)industrialization in Croatia: Evidence of a Nonlinear Behaviour
    Daniel Tomić, Manuel Benazić

    2. European Economic Integration: Assessing Benefits from State Size Perspective
    Domen Gril, Primož Pevcin

    3. The Change in Ownership Structure of Local Public Utilities Providers: The Case of Water and Wastewater Management in Slovenia
    Veronika Petkovšek, Primož Pevcin

    4. Risk Management in Investments: the Case of Investments in Crypto Currency
    Patrik Arh, Ana Lambić, Žan Černivec, Miha Marič

    Management v izobraževanju

    Education Management
    Vodi/Chair: Marko Urh, Eva Jereb
    Čas/Time: Petek / Friday, 19. 3. / 9:00 - 11:00

    Jezik/Language: SLO / ENG

    1. Serious Games in Vocational White-Collar Lessons – A Methodological End in Itself or a Competency-Promoting Learning Method?
    Björn Paape, Christoph Maus, Iwona Kiereta, Lars Entgens, Alina Hüben, Laura Plohma, Patrick Schöner, Hanja Zillingen

    2. “Write it down!”—a Learning-Psychology-Based Analysis of the Use of Written Work in Economics Lessons
    Björn Paape, Christoph Maus , Iwona Kiereta, Anja Gebing, Anne Meurer, Kathrin Schneider Zöller, Arne Schön

    3. Pomen učiteljevih komunikacijskih kompetenc za sodelovanje vzgojno-izobraževalne ustanove s starši / The Importance of the Teacher's Communication Competencies for the Cooperation of Schools with the Parents
    Živa Grafenauer Ekart

    4. Računalniška in internetna pismenost učiteljev osnovnih šol / Computer and Internet Literacy of Primary School Teachers
    Uroš Hren, Uroš Rajkovič & Eva Jereb

    5. Študija primera na Fakulteti za organizacijske vede Univerze v Mariboru: primerjava klasičnega in spletnega dogodka / Case Study at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Maribor: Comparison of Cassic and Online event
    Marko Urh, Eva Jereb

    6. Prednosti in zahteve izvedbe kreditno ovrednotene obštudijske dejavnosti na primeru usposabljanja v potapljanju / Advantages and Requirements for Performing a Credit-Evaluated Extracurricular Activity in the Case of Diving Training
    Borut Werber

    Kvantitativne metode v managementu

    Quantitative Methods in Management
    Vodi/Chair:  Anja Žnidaršič
    Čas/Time: Petek / Friday, 19. 3. / 9:00 - 11:00

    Jezik/Language: SLO

    1. COVID-19 Vigilance: Towards Better Risk Assessment and Communication During the Next Wave
    Petra Fic Žagar, Tina Bregant, Matjaž Perc, Anja Goričan, Aleks Jakulin, Janez Žibert, Žiga Zaplotnik, Milan Batista, Matjaž Leskovar, Andraž Stožer, Brane Leskošek, Drago Bokal

    2. Univerzalni model procesa kot orodje v antropologiji digitalizacije: nov pogled na generacije X, Y, Z / Universal Process Model as a Tool in Anthropology of Digitalization: a New Look at Generations X, Y, Z
    Špela Tertinek, Drago Bokal

    3. Analiza dejavnikov ribolovne učinkovitosti v metjejih Severnega Atlantika / Analysis of Fishing Efficiency Factors in North Atlantic Métiers
    Jerebic Janja, Špela Kajzer, Špela Tertinek, Anja Goričan, Drago Bokal

    4. Poučevanje matematike v živo in na daljavo – primerjava dosežkov študentov na kolokvijih / In-Class and Online Teaching of Mathematics – a Comparison of Students’ Outcomes at the Midterm Exams
    Alenka Brezavšček, Gregor Rus, Anja Žnidaršič

    5. »Preventiva pred kurativo« – samozaščitno vedenje mladih pred kriminaliteto / Prevention Over Curative – the Crime Related Self-Protective Behaviour of Young Adults
    Vanja Erčulj

    6. Doseganje višjih kognitivnih ciljev z vključevanjem hackathona v učni proces / Attaining Higher Cognitive Goals by Inclusion of Hackathon Into the Learning Process
    Monika Vogrinec, Drago Bokal

    Trajnostni razvoj

    Sustainable Development
    Vodi/Chair: Maja Meško
    Čas/Time: Petek / Friday, 19. 3. / 9:00 - 10:30

    Jezik/Language: SLO

    1. Trajnostni razvoj in njegova nadgradnja glede na probleme sodobne družbe v prostoru / Sustainable Development and Its Upgrade According to the Problems of Modern Society in Space
    Davorin Žnidarič

    2. Dediščina naravnega zdravljenja Arnolda Riklija kot priložnost za oblikovanje trajnostnih turističnih doživetij / Heritage of Aronold Rikli's Natural Healing as an Opportunity for Creating Sustainable Tourist Experiences
    Boža Grafenauer

    3. Krepitev zmogljivosti skupnosti o vlogi ekosistemskih storitev pri prilagajanju na podnebne spremembe / Community Capacity Building Regarding the Role of Ecosystem Services in Climate Change Adaptation
    Liliana Vižintin

    4. Miti in resnica o inovativnem trajnostnem modelu souporabe avtomobilov v Evropi / Myths and the Truth about the Innovative Sustainable Model of Car Sharing in Europe
    Maja Meško, Vasja Roblek

    5. Izračun ogljičnega odtisa pri pridelavi mleka / Calculation of the Carbon Footprint in Milk Production
    Marijan Pogačnik, Irena Gril

    Organizacija in management

    Organization and management
    Vodi/Chair: Polona Šprajc
    Čas/Time: Petek / Friday, 19. 3. / 9:00 - 11:00

    Jezik/Language: ENG

    1. Organizational Socialization as a Part of Knowledge Management
    Maja Anđelković, Marjan Marjanović, Michail Pappas

    2. Knowledge Management in the Health Care System
    Marija Lugonjić, Tatjana Jovanović, Vera Krmpot

    3. E-Learning Continuous Medical Education of Health Workers
    Olja Arsenijević, Marija Lugonjić, Polona Šprajc

    4. Evaluation of On-Line Courses Developed at the Faculty of Business Studies and Law and Faculty of Information Technology
    Bojana Burić Mutavči, Jelena Dumanjić, Marija Bajić

    5. Enterpreneurial Competencies of Students in Serbia
    Edita Kastratović, Milan Dragić, Milan Vemić

    6. Elementary School Serbia at the thime of the Covid - 19
    Katarina Diklić, Života Radosavljević, Jelena Palić

    7. Money Laundering and Virtual Financial Resources
    Momčilo Sekulić, Ana Matović, Djordje Milošević

    8. Real Estate Business is Ruled by Woman - Myth or Truth
    Marija Majstorović, Lazar Cvijić, Milan Radosavljević


    Vodi/Chair: Polona Šprajc
    Čas/Time: Petek / Friday, 19. 3. / 11:00 - 11:30

    Jezik/Language: ENG

    Podelitev priznanja za najboljši članek konference 2021 in najava konference Portorož 2022. / Best Paper Award 2021 and Portorož 2022 Announcement.