31st Annual International Conference
on Organizational Science Development
Quality. Innovation. Future.
Program konference - PETEK / Conference Programme - FRIDAY, 23.3.2012
Časovni razpored /Schedule: |
Adria I | Adria II | Emerald I | Emerald II | Mediteranea I | Mediteranea II |
9.00 - 10. 30 | Plenarni del / Plenary Session (vodi / chair: Mirjana Kljajić Borštnar /ENG/ | |||||
10.30 - 10.45 | odmor / break | |||||
10.45 - 14.00 (odmor/break: 12.00 - 12.30) |
Management v izobraževanju / Education Management (vodi / chair: Polona Šprajc) /SLO/ | Informatika / Informatics (vodi / chair: Marko Urh) /SLO/ | Bančništvo in Financiranje/ Banking and Financing / (vodi / chair: Aleš Novak) /ENG/ | Sekcija doktorskih študentov / PhD Students' Session (chair: Vladislav Rajkovič / Hans Dieter Zimmermann / Tomi Ilijaš) /ENG/ | Kadrovski management / Human Resource Management (vodi / chair: Mojca Bernik) /SLO/ | Hrana in voda kot strateška vira / Food and Water as Strategic Sources (vodi / chair: Marjan Senegačnik) /SLO/ |
PLENARNI DEL / Plenary Session (ENG) | |
dvorana/hall: EMERALD | |
vodi/chair: Mirjana Kljajić Borštnar | |
9.00 - 10.30 | |
Plenarno zasedanje / Plennary Session: | |
Quo vadis Slovenija? Challenges of the Future | Aleš Mihelič |
How to Design a Winning Business Model? | Goran Vukovič / Aleksandra Kregar Brus |
Management v izobraževanju / Education Management (SLO) | |
dvorana/hall: ADRIA I | |
vodi/chair: Polona Šprajc | |
10.45 - 14.00 (odmor/break: 12.00 - 12.30) | |
1. Učitelji o svojem delu in okolje o delu učiteljev / What Teachers think About their Work and How their Work is Recognized in the Environment | Tatjana Kovač |
2. Ravnateljevanje - zadovoljstvo učiteljev / Headship - Teacher Satisfaction | Melita Moretti, Adi Moretti |
3. Percepcija kakovosti pedagoškega procesa na gimnazijskem nivoju / Perception of Quality of the Teaching Process at the High School Level | Tamara Gerdej, Bogdan Mali, Polona Šprajc |
4. Interno ocenjevanje praktičnih nalog pri slovenski maturi / Internal Grading of Coursework in Slovenian Matura | Darko Zupanc, Matevž Bren |
5. Uporaba okolja Moodle na primeru matematike – študija primera / The Use of Environment Moodle in the Case of Mathematics - Case Study | Anja Žnidaršič, Petra Šparl, Borut Werber |
6. Vpliv okolja na politiko razvoja in modele dijaških domov / Enviromental Impact of the Policy Development and Models of Boarding Schools | Olga Dečman Dobrnjič, Alenka Temeljotov Salaj |
7. Kritične točke pri organizaciji prakse za dijake in študente iz tujine / Critical Points in the Organization Process of Practical Training for Foreign Students | Nina Kaličanin |
Informatika / Informatics (SLO) | |
dvorana/hall: ADRIA II | |
vodi/chair: Marko Urh | |
10.45 - 14.00 (odmor/break: 12.00 - 12.30) | |
1. Dogodkovna simulacija z odprtokodnim orodjem Blender 3D / Queing Simulation with an Open Source Tool Blender 3D | Jernej Černe, Andrej Škraba |
2. Model ocenjevanja celovite programske rešitve / The Model for Evaluating the Enterprise Resource Planning Solution | Vladislav Rajkovič, Škaper Mateja |
3. Model hitrega razvoja spletnih aplikacij / Rapid Web Applications Development Model | Marko Urh, Eva Jereb |
4. Živi laboratorij kot pristop k oblikovanju prototipne rešitve za razvoj trajnostnega turizma / Development of the Prototype Solution for User Involvement in the Living Lab Approach | Aleš Šifrer, Andreja Pucihar, Mirjana Kljajić Borštnar, Gregor Lenart |
5. Elektronski sistem za upravljanje z dokumenti na Fakulteti za organizacijske vede / Electronic Document Management System at Faculty of Organizational Sciences | Andrej Zupan, Mirjana Kljajić Borštnar, Eva Jereb |
6. Arhiviranje e-podatkov na FOV / Data Backup at FOV | Iztok Bitenc |
Bančništvo in financiranje / Banking and Financing (ENG) | |
dvorana/hall: EMERALD I | |
Pokrovitelj / Sponsored by: vodi/chair: Aleš Novak |
10.45 - 14.00 (odmor/break: 12.00 - 12.30) | |
1. Exploratory Forecasting Approach and Objectives Matrix in the Area of Banking Services | Jasna Petkovic, Maja Levi-Jaksic, Jelena Krstic |
2. Interest Expenses Optimization Model for the Banking Industry | Alfio Barbieri, Ticijan Peruško, Ksenija Černe |
3. Barter Exchanges: Markets for Organizations and Individuals | František Sudzina |
4. Combating Money Laundering in Croatia | Anita Pavković, Vinko Miličević |
5. The Cost of Funds and Pricing Loans of Croatian Banks: Evidence from a Vector Error Correction Model | Manuel Benazić |
6. Features of the Exchange and Negotiation in the Corporate Banking Market in the Republic of Croatia | Danijela Križman Pavlović, Erik Ružić |
7. Financiranje lokalne samouprave in stroški občin v Sloveniji / Financing Local Self–Governing and Municipality Costs in Slovenia | Žan Jan Oplotnik, Boštjan Brezovnik, Borut Vojinovič |
8. The Comparison of Insurance Company's Investment Portfolio Structure in Highly Developed Insurance Markets and in Croatia | Mihovil Anđelinović, Tifani Protić |
Sekcija doktorskih študentov / PhD Students' Session (ENG) | |
dvorana/hall: EMERALD II | |
vodi/chair: Vladislav Rajkovič / Hans Dieter Zimmermann / Tomi Ilijaš | |
10.45 - 14.00 (odmor/break: 12.00 - 12.30) | |
1. Influence of Organizational Values on Manager Competencies | Mitja Gorenak |
2. Organizational Value Driving Factors of SMEs: the Case of Germany and the Czech Republic | Peter Kögler, Tomáš Krabec |
3. Usefulness of Data Mining Tools for Preparation of Business Plans in Medium-Sized Companies | Tomaž Dular |
4.Trust and Relationship Commitment in Supply Chains | Sonja Mlaker Kač, Irena Gorenak |
5. Competitive Advantage of Camping Tourism in Croatian Regions | Jasmina Gržinić, Suzana Aflić |
6. Facework in Customer Service Encounters | Sara Orthaber, Irena Gorenak |
7. Dynamic Discrete Spreadsheet EOQ Model for Educational Purposes | Lena Đorđević, Slobodan Antić, Konstantin Kostić |
8. Retirement Insurance: Challenges and Prospects upon the Accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union | Ante Govorko |
9. Standardization of the Work of Sign Language Interpreters | Darja Fišer |
10. Acceptance Criteria for a Therapeutic Ophthalmic SLT-Laser Source | Franc Koplan, Zvone Balantič, Darjan Oblak |
Kadrovski management / Human Resource Management (SLO) | |
dvorana/hall: MEDITERANEA I | |
vodi/chair: Mojca Bernik | |
10.45 - 14.00 (odmor/break: 12.00 - 12.30) | |
1. Vodenje skupine za uporabniško izkušnjo / User Experience Team Management | Emilija Stojmenova, Slobodan Jovanovski |
2. Vodstvene kompetence in organizacijska kultura v policijskih organizacijah / Leadership Competencies and Organizational Culture in Police Organizations | Emanuel Banutai, Iztok Podbregar |
3. Integriteta vodij v gospodarstvu z vidika njihovih zaposlenih / Integrity of Leaders from the Perspective of their Employees | Robert Šumi, Branko Lobnikar |
4. Kriza kot priložnost za intenzivnejše komuniciranje z zaposlenimi / Crisis as an Opportunity for Enhanced Communication with Employees | Renata Možek |
5. Vpliv osebnosti na odnos do dela / The Impact of Personality on Attitude to Work | Jasmina Žnidaršič, Mojca Bernik |
6. Vrednote zaposlenih v majhnih in srednje velikih slovenskih podjetjih / Values of Employees in Small and Medium - Sized Slovenian Companies | Damjan Pirc, Zlatka Meško Štok, Maja Meško |
7. Prakse upravljanja s kadri v slovenskih organizacijah in njihova povezanost s stališči zaposlenih in percepcijo uspešnosti organizacij / Human Resources Management Practices in Slovenian Organisations and their Relationship with Employees' Attitudes and Perceptions of Organisational Effectiveness | Katarina Babnik |
8. Izvori stresa na delovnem mestu in njihovo preprečevanje / Source of Stress on Workplace and His Prevention | Tomaž Erjavec, Maja Meško |
9. Uporaba koncepta transakcijske analize pri motiviranju zaposlenih / Using the Concept of Transactional Analysis for Motivation of Employees | Irena Turšič |
Hrana in voda kot strateška vira / Food and Water as Strategic Sources (SLO) | |
dvorana/hall: MEDITERANEA II | |
vodi/chair: Marjan Senegačnik | |
10.45 - 14.00 (odmor/break: 12.00 - 12.30) | |
1. Zdravo okolje kot prioriteta za uravnotežen trajnostni razvoj v Sloveniji in svetu / Healthy Environment as a Priority for the Balanced Sustainable Development in Slovenia and Abroad | Davorin Žnidarič |
2. Najprimernejše oblike organiziranja kmetijskih gospodarstev z vidika lokalne oskrbe s slovenskimi prehranskimi proizvodi višje kakovsoti / Most Suitable Organisation Forms of Agriculture Enterprises for Supply of Local Community with High Quality Slovenian Nutritional Products | Marijan Pogačnik, Dragan Žnidarčič |
3. Management in oblikovanje lokalnega partnerstva v ribištvu / Management and Building of Local Partnerships in Fisheries | Bety Breznik |
4. Piščančje meso kot pomembna prehrana prihodnosti / Chicken Meat as a Strategic Raw Material of the Future | Miro Simonič, Gabrijel Devetak |
6. Organizacijski model ravnanja s komunalnimi odpadki v Republiki Sloveniji / Organization Models of Municipal Waste Management in Republic of Slovenia | Barbara Avčin Tržan, Drago Vuk, Vladislav Rajkovič |
7. Heliosov sklad za ohranjanje čistih slovenskih voda / Helios's Fund for keeping Slovene Rivers Clean | Andreja Roš |
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© 2010 University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Center for Education and Consulting
Kidričeva cesta 55a, SI-4000 Kranj, Slovenia, Tel.: +386 (4) 2374 345, Fax: +386 (4) 2374 299