The 28th Bled eConference Theme: #WellBeing
For the 28th Bled eConference our main tracks will explore the #WellBeing of people in the context of Internet, Social Media, Mobile and the Internet of Things. We wish to explore the opportunities to make life easier and more comfortable as a result of new technologies, including specific opportunities for the “young elderly” and senior citizens. However, we are also interested in exploring the “dark side of e/m” and invite contributions that discuss the downside of big data, connectedness, quantified self and other innovations that may carry serious risks to individuals and society as well. We view the eConference as an excellent platform for finding the balance between the benefits and risks.
We invite submissions in all areas of “e” research, teaching, and business. Encouraging submissions related to the conference theme in addition to the traditional “e” themes are related to the following topics:
eInnnovations I Big data I Open data I Digital Services I Novel business and organizational models I eCollaboration I Enterprise 2.0 I Social Media I eCommerce I eBusiness I Interorganizational Systems I eMarketplaces & Communities I Mobile Value Services I Cloud Computing I eHealth & Well-being I eSociety I eParticipation I eLearning 2.0 & eEducation I eSMEs I eLiving Labs I eCollaboration I eRegions I eDependency I eTrust I ePrivacy I Research Supervision Dilemmas I any other aspect of “e”.
In 2014 we first joined forces with the “Living Bits and Things” conference on the Internet of Things resulting in an interesting blend of themes and researchers from different fields interacting in lovely Bled. We therefore especially invite papers that make the combination between these two worlds. In particular, beside regular tracks mentioned above, we at least offer the following tracks for Bled 2015:
eWellness (Track Chair: Christer Carlsson, Åbo Akademi University, Finland):
In this track we invite papers that address the specific needs and opportunities for the “young elderly”. This is a continuation of the “Digital Services” track in 2014 where we discovered that the age group of 60-74 experience Internet and Mobile solutions in quite a different way than younger generations. We have also found out, in a series of studies with consumers, that there are no digital/mobile services developed for the “young elderly” as both mobile technology developers and mobile network operators have found this market “not interesting”; the “young elderly” represent 18-23% of the consumer markets in the EU, which makes the disinterest in potentially significant revenue rather surprising. Also other topics in the areas of independent living, explorations of new business models and opportunities for using Internet of Things in this age group are warmly welcomed.
eHealth (Track Co-Chairs: Nilmini Wickramasinghe, RMIT University, Australia and Juergen Seitz, Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University, Germany):
This is a favorite and by now classic track at the Bled eConference. In 2015 we want to emphasize the role that e- and m- technologies can play in finding the balance between societal costs on the one hand and the #WellBeing of citizens on the other. Can we find ways to organize healthcare closer to the patients, less intrusive and at lower costs? Can Domotics, the Internet of Things, and the quantified self help in this effort? And how do we safeguard that the data are not abused?
Internet of Things (Track Co-Chairs: Tomaž Vidonja, Internet of Things Competence Centre OpComm, Slovenia Rob van Kranenburg, IERC IoT Research Cluster of the EU Commission, Societal, Open Source Internet of Things and Andreja Pucihar, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Maribor, Slovenia ):
In the 2015 conference we bring back a theme that has been at the background somewhat in recent years, but is at the cross-roads of the e- or m- movement on the one hand and the Internet of Things on the other: logistics. On the one hand, many of the initiatives mentioned in the previous topics rely on the “last mile” to be of practical use, be it home delivery services for the young elderly and senior citizens, quality control in medical supply chains or other application areas where the clients of the e- or m- value chain live in remote areas and/or do want to change their schedule just to take delivery of goods. There are many possible applications of Internet of Things as for example smart cities, smart grids and smart energy, smart traffic, healthcare etc. … Beside that also supply chain optimization is one of the earliest examples of the Internet of Things movement and we are convinced that bringing these two communities together will bring interesting new insights at the Bled eConference.
Social media and Big Data (Track Co-Chairs: Hans-Dieter Zimmermann, FHS St. Gallen, Switzerland and Jari Salo, Oulu Business School, Finland):
The Social Media track has also been present at the conference in the past years and is still a very relevant topic for the upcoming edition. There we look forward to papers that look how Social Media can make life easier or more convenient for people, but alternatively also what risks are associated with the wide-scale use of Social Media, for instance e-Bullying, reputation attacks and fraud with customer reviews, but also the risks associated with the Big Data movement. How can we find a balance between the anonymity of the Internet and the Freedom of Speech on the one hand, while not opening ourselves up for gratuitous and uninhibited attacks on individual persons as well as companies? Another aspect that we would like to welcome papers on is the fit and alignment of the ad-hoc trend of app-ification into a well-balanced extended enterprise architecture and application portfolio.
Horizon 2020 Theme Day (Track Chair: Roger W.H. Bons, Bons Academic Services, The Netherlands)
The Bled eConference has always been in a fortunate position to welcome senior executives from the EU and other international bodies to the conference. Bled has therefore also been the birthplace of many successful consortiums to participate in the various EU programs. In the past two years, the Horizon 2020 program has had a prominent place and in 2015 we are going to spend a full day on this program, featuring the feedback from the first round of projects as well as the possibility to interact with EU representatives and fellow researchers to match-make, establish or fine-tune Horizon 2020 proposals.
Please see also other options for participation at the conference:
- Professor Rene W. Wagenaar ePrototype Bazaar
- Graduate Students Consortium
- Business Panels Workshops and Meetings
All accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings (CD with ISBN and CIP number and online).
Beside that, in 2015, we have secured the partnership of the following journals:
- Electronic Markets – The International Journal on Networked Business,
- Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research
- International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology
- International Journal of Organisation Design and Engineering
- Organizacija – Journal of Management, Informatics and Human Resources
that may facilitate the publication of enhanced versions of further selected papers.
Selected papers will be published into the book under Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation section by Springer (Indexed in Thomson Reuters and Scopus).
Instructions for Authors for Full Research Papers and Research-in-Progress Papers are available under the Submission section.
More information: