Danilo Mencigar
Reg.Med.Tech. at University Medical Centre Ljubljana
LinkedIn profile
Title: Hospital Information Systems: towards Paperless Hospital
Implementing a new information system requires us to change the way we work. The reorganization of processes offers a possibility to increase the quality of our services and safety for both patients and health workers. This was our goal from the first steps as we started developing a new hospital information system (HIS). Presentation will show how nurses see and use HIS in practice with emphasis on ensuring quality and safety, how IT changes our work and thinking and how we are aiming for a paperless hospital.
Danilo Mencigar, MSc, RN, works as a head of nursing at the Department for Pediatric Surgery and Intensive Care Unit at the Division of Surgery at University Medical Centre Ljubljana. He works on the project of developing and implementing a health information system as an expert from the field of nursing care with over 20 years of practical experiences.