This year’s novelty is that for the first time, as part of the conference program, we will host experts in the field of the Internet of Things, as part of the Living Bits and Things event that is organized by Eurocon. Eurocon, a European project and technology/business management company, runs and manages a number of different centers, clusters and consortia, including the ICT Technology Institute Network.
39. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti
39th International Conference on Organizational Science Development
Address: Kidričeva cesta 55a, SI 4000 Kranj
Telephone: + 386 (0)4 2374 245
Fax: + 386 (0)4 2374 299
Important dates
- 20. 01. 2020
Full paper submission (extended) - 10. 02. 2020
Results of recension process - 20. 02. 2020
Final full paper submission - 10. 03. 2020
Earlybird registration closes 18. 03. 202023. 09. 2020
39. International Conference on Organizational Science Development