Rosana Lemut Strle
GDPR in 2020: Did the initial panic bring the intended results?
Both the adopting of the GDPR as well as the beginning of its use were accompanied by considerable excitement about the lawfulness of the processing of personal data, especially when it was based on the individual’s consent. The new reality of the significant fines, first time uniformly prescribed for all EU member states, may have largely contributed to this. In the lecture, we will focus on the question of whether the fears of both the lawfulness of the processing and the imposing of high fines were justified, as well as what actually changed and who gained more for the time being; data controllers or data subjects.
Rosana Lemut Strle
Rosana Lemut Strle has a Master degree in Law and worked at the Information Commissioner of Republic of Slovenia, as a Deputy Information Commissioner for almost six years (from April 2009 until January 2015). From January 2015 she works in a Law firm Pirc Musar & Lemut Strle as an attorney and a partner in a Firm.
Her professional work is now primarily focused on attorney’s services, however she is still active also in the field of personal data protection and access to public information.
She is the author of numerous articles on health insurance, and especially on protection of personal data and freedom of information. She is also active as a lecturer.
GDPR leta 2020: Ali je začetna zmeda doprinesla željene rezultate?
Tako sprejem kot začetek uporabe GDPR je bil pospremljen s precejšnjim vznemirjenjem glede zakonitosti obdelave osebnih podatkov, še posebej, ko je ta slonela na posameznikovi privolitvi. K temu je najbrž v precejšnji meri prispevala nova realnost enotnih glob, predvidenih v zastrašujoče visokih zneskih. V predavanju se bomo osredotočili na vprašanje, ali so bili strahovi tako glede zakonitosti obdelav kot glede izreka visokih glob upravičeni, pa tudi na to, kaj se je dejansko spremenilo in kdo je zaenkrat pridobil več; upravljavci ali posamezniki.
Rosana Lemut Strle
Rosana Lemut Strle je magistra pravnih znanosti (Univerza v Ljubljani, Pravna fakulteta). Med aprilom 2009 in decembrom 2015 je delala kot namestnica Informacijskega pooblaščenca Republike Slovenije. Od januarja 2015 naprej dela kot odvetnica in partnerica v Odvetniški družbi Pirc Musar & Lemut Strle. Čeprav se poklicno osredotoča na odvetniške storitve, je še vedno zelo aktivna tako na področju varstva osebnih podatkov kot tudi na področju dostopa do informacij javnega značaja. Je avtorica številnih člankov s teh področij in aktivna predavateljica.