23. - 25. March 2011, Portorož, Slovenia         
 » Wednesday, 23.3.2011
Thursday, 24.3.2011
Friday, 25.3.2011


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Program konference - PETEK  / Conference Programme - FRIDAY,    25.3.2010

Časovni razpored/ Schedule:  Adria I Adria II Emerald I Emerald II Mediteranea I Mediteranea II
9.00 - 10.30        Plenarno zasedanje / Plennary Session (vodi / chair: Andreja Pucihar)      
10.30 - 10.45 odmor / break
10.45 - 14.00 (odmor/break: 12.00 - 12.30) Ekonomika in management/    Economics and Management (vodi / chair: Aleš Novak)(ENG)  Management v izobraževanju / Education Management (vodi / chair: Marko Urh) Management v zdravstvu / Healthcare Management (vodi / chair: Olga Šušteršič) Sekcija doktorskih študentov / PhD Students' Session (vodi / chair: Mirjana Kljajić) (ENG) Kadrovski management / Human Resource Management (vodi / chair: Janez Zeni) Ekološki management / Ecology Management  (vodi / chair: Drago Vuk)


dvorana/hall: EMERALD II
vodi/chair: Andreja Pucihar
9.00 - 10.30
Plenarno zasedanje / Plennary Session:   
Assessment of Innovation Potential in Small and Medium Enterprises Robert Leskovar, Alenka Baggia, Peter Metlikovič, Ana Kuntarič, Wladimir Polzer, Conny Christl 
XaaS – New Information Systems Sevices Paradigm Tomi Iljaš 
From Vision to Success Ernest Aljančič
Ekonomika in management / Economics and Management (ENG)
dvorana/hall: ADRIA I
vodi/chair: Aleš Novak 
10.45 - 14.00 (odmor/break: 12.00 - 12.30)
Osnutek mednarodnega standarda o pripoznavanju prihodkov in njegov vpliv na informacije o podjetju / Draft of the International Standard on Revenue Recognition and Its Influence on Information about Enterprises Aleš Novak 
Identification and Measurement of Competitiveness Value Driver's  Pavel Marinič
Business Zones - Important Elements of Economic Development of the Istrian County    Tamara Paris
Theoretical Analysis of Partitioned Prices Daniel Tomić 
Managing Financial Structure in Financial Turmoil Dean Učkar, Sven Carlin  
Convergence Analysis among the Ten European Transition Economies Borut Vojinović, Žan J. Oplotnik
From Knowledge Based to Knowledge Entrepreneurship Economy and Society  – The Serbian paradox Maja Levi Jaksic, Sanja Marinkovic, Jasna Petković 
Pristranskosti finančnih analitikov skozi vedenjske finance / Biases of Financial Analysts through Behavioral Finance Maruša Plavec 
Analiza uravnoteženosti banke / Analysis of Bank Equilibrium Alfio Barbieri 
Management v izobraževanju / Education Management 
dvorana/hall: ADRIA II
vodi/chair: Marko Urh 
10.45 - 14.00 (odmor/break: 12.00 - 12.30)
Pomen sodelovanja profesorjev s študenti: študija dveh družboslovnih fakultet / The Importance of Professor-Student Cooperation: A Study of Two Faculties Tamara Gerdej, Bogdan Mali, Miha Marič 
Pomen anketiranja študentov na fakulteti / The Importance of Interviewing Students in the Faculty Tatjana Kovač 
Primerjava Fakultete za organizacijske vede in Fakultete za logistiko, glede vplivnih dejavnikov na študentovo angažiranost pri predavanjih in vajah / A Comparison of the Faculty of Organizational Sciences and the Faculty of Logistics Regarding the Factors of Their Students' Commitment During Lessons and Practical Classes Špela Cvek Gošte, Marino Medeot, Metoda Strmljan 
Primerjava Fakultete za organizacijske vede in Fakultete za logistiko, glede dejavnikov motivacije študentov v izobraževalni organizaciji / A Comparison of the Faculty of Organizational Sciences and the Faculty of Logistics Regarding the Factors of Their Students' Motivation in an Educational Organisation Špela Cvek Gošte, Marino Medeot, Metoda Strmljan 
Plemenitenje študijskega procesa  / Finishing the Study Process Anton Mihelič 
Povezovanje za učenje med visokošolskimi zavodi in podjetji / Networking for Learning between Higher Education Institutions and Enterprises Suzana Košir 
Upravljanje z raziskovalnimi podatki / Scientific Data Management Aleš Lipnik 
Management v zdravstvu / Healthcare Management
dvorana/hall: EMERALD I
vodi/chair: Olga Šušteršič
10.45 - 14.00 (odmor/break: 12.00 - 12.30)
V prihajajočo dobo s prenovo procesa sprejema urgentnih pacientov / In the Future with Reengineering of the Admission Process of Emergency Patients Zvonka Fekonja 
Ali prostovoljstvo vpliva na uspešnost »ugled« organizacije / Whether Volunteering Affects the Performance of the Organization? Jožica Rešetič
Izboljšanje kakovosti upravljanja antikoagulacijake ambulante v splošni bolnišnici Celje  / Improvement of Quality Management System in Anticoagulation Outpatient Clinic in General Hospital Celje Andreja Hrovat Bukovšek 
Najdaljše dopustne čakalne dobe za radiološke storitve / Maximum Permissible Waiting Times for Radiological Services Darja Jereb, Marija Peterlin
Nova doba radiologije / A New Era of Radiology Mateja Kofjač 
Izboljšanje kakovosti odvzema in transporta bioloških vzorcev / Improving the Quality of Collection and Transport of Biological Samples Hilda Maze 
Sekcija doktorskih študentov / PhD Students' Session (ENG)
dvorana/hall: EMERALD II
vodi/chair: Mirjana Kljajić Borštnar
10.45 - 14.00 (odmor/break: 12.00 - 12.30)
Competence Management in Hungary – A Comparison of Two Regions Bernadett Baka-Pauer 
Daoist Leadership Miha Uhan, Vlado Dimovski 
Organization as a Molecule: Modeling Organizations Using the Molecular Framework Vlado Dimovski, Milan Hodošček, Matej Janežič  
Competence Profile of an Elementary School Headmaster Domen Kovačič, Janez Mayer 
The Impact of Working and Organizational Factors on the Occurrences of Burnout Syndrome in Slovenian Social Welfare Institutions Ljiljana Leskovic, Goran Vukovič 
Social Entrepreneurship and Introduction of ReUse Centers in Slovenia Katja Zajko 
Risk and Incentives in Franchising Edita Bečić  
Applied Value Investing on the Croatian Stock Market Sven Carlin 
Environmentally Oriented Product Assessment Jana Ďurišová
Internet and Indicative Publications  Irena Kranjc 
Modern Challenges of Computer Patent Law  Roman Faganel 
Organizational Maturity (Maturity Matrix Dentistry - MMD) as a Factor of Productivity of Dental Practices in Slovenia Rok Škrbinc
Project for Improving Patient Flow in Emergency Department Stanko Grabljevec, Andrej Škraba 
Opportunities for Improvement in Manufacture of Medical Devices Franc Koplan, Zvone Balantič
Kadrovski management / Human Resource Management 
dvorana/hall: MEDITERANEA I
vodi/chair: Janez Zeni
10.45 - 14.00 (odmor/break: 12.00 - 12.30)
Redni letni razgovor kot element razvoja kadrov / Regular Annual Interview as Part of Human Resource Development Mojca Bernik, Urška Hirci Zadel 
Redni letni razgovori na Zavodu za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje Republike Slovenije / Regular Annual Interviews at the Institute of Pension and Disability Insurance of the Republic of Slovenia Nives Turk, Eva Jereb
Izgradnja e-gradiva za redne letne razgovore  / Producing Electronic Materials for Regular Annual Interview Eva Jereb, Marko Urh, Primož Jeralič  
Osebna zavzetost zaposlenih - ključni dejavnik uspeha podjetja / Employee Engagement - A Key Success Factor for Companies


Branko Lobnikar, Vlasta Grom
Managerske pogodbe o zaposlitvi / Managers' Employment Contracts  Janez Zeni
Proučevanje vloge socialnega konteksta organizacij pri upravljanju s kadri / The Role of Social Context in Human Resource Management Katarina Babnik 
Corporate Security and the Importance of Survey on the Working Environment  Denis Čaleta
Ekološki management / Ecology and Management 
dvorana/hall: MEDITERANEA II
vodi/chair: Drago Vuk 
10.45 - 14.00 (odmor/break: 12.00 - 12.30)
Ecological Footprint as Sustainability Indicator of Students Environmental Awareness Level at Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Maribor  Sonja Išljamović, Nataša Petrović, Veljko Jeremić, Drago Vuk, Marjan Senegačnik   
Ecological Management in Modern Business Organizational Systems  Petronije Jevtić, Ljiljana Stošić-Mihajlović 
Attitude of Secondary School Students from Gorenjska Region to Separated Waste Collection – Campaign Pozor(!)ni za okolje (Attentive owards the Environment) Marjan Senegačnik,  Drago Vuk, Robert Leskovar, Alenka Baggia, Ana Verčko Grilec
Primer dobre prakse sodelovanja gospodarske družbe z izobraževalnimi institucijami - kampanja Pozor(!) ni za okolje / An Example of Good Practise of Cooperation between the Company and Educational Institutions - the Campaign Pozor(!) ni za okolje (Attentive Towards the Environment)  Branka Jarc Kovačič, Ana Vrečko Grilec 
Vpliv predvidene umestitve ekološkega objekta na vrednost nepremičnin v neposredni okolici / Impact of a Planned Ecological Building on the Value of Real Estates in the Immediate Neighbourhood Silvo Plesnik, Drago Vuk
Vpliv neuravnoteženosti ekonomsko -energetskih kazalcev na ekološke razmere v svetu in pri nas / The Impact of Economic Imbalances - Energy Indicators in the Ecological Conditions in the World and in Our Country. Davorin Žnidarič 
Čiščenje komunalnih odpadnih voda na ruralnih področjih Zasavja  / Clining of Municipal Waste Waters on Remote Rural Areas of Zasavje  Davorin Žnidarič, Drago Vuk  
Model postavitve Rastlinskih čistilnih naprav v različne pokrajinske tipe RS / Model of Establishment of Wetlands in Different Types of Environments in the Republic of Slovenia Darja Kukovičič, Drago Vuk, Danijel Vrhovšek  
Bo razvoj sončnih elektrarn v času recesije zastal? / Will the Development of Solar Electric Power Plants Stop During the Recession? Drago Papler, Štefan Bojnec  

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