Students Bazaar

The Rene W. Wagenaar Student Bazaar  There’s an app for that! Apps for mobile devices are booming. In nearly all sectors and industries, apps are being developed to support location-based services, personalized information delivery, mobility monitoring functions etc. … While app stores nearly explode by its supply and offers, solid research on the added value and use of apps is lacking. Parallel to what is seen in other sectors that suffer from information over-load and complexity in consumer choice, different media provide app reviews and app comparison tools. These are intriguing and challenging developments where researchers (in training) can contribute to.

The theme of this year’s Bled Students Bazaar is therefore dedicated to apps for mobile devices – in particular to apps that concern the health and environment of individuals. Think of apps that help patients to cope with their medication intake, that help them stop smoking, that warn them if air pollution is endangering their allergy. Think of apps that support house owners to track their energy usage, show individuals their ecological footprint, help people to locally provide social support for those in need.The possibilities to put in ‘apps for a better and healthier world’ seem endless. But what does work? How can we determine whether an app is effective? These are the key questions of this call for proposals.We call masters and honors students in information, computer, organization, health and environmental sciences, from all countries, to write a proposal in which the idea is thoroughly described (max. 2000 words).

Submission deadline is March 15, 2015.Students Bazaar Co-chairs:
Johan Versendaal, University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, Netherlands
Ronald Batenburg, NIVEL & Utrecht University, The Netherlands