29th International Conference
on Organizational Science Development
People and Organization
We would like to thank you for your participation at the
29th International Conference on Organizational Science Development, entitled
"People and Organization", held from 24th to 26th of March 2010 at the
Congress Centre Bernardin. We also would like to special thank to all the
authors and coauthors of contributions, other participants and sponsors, because
without you, the Conference would not be what it is.
We hope that the conference offered many answers to questions linked to topics
of the conference and networking opportunities with colleagues and friends. We
hope that the conference has met your expectations. If you would have any
suggestions, comments or ideas for improvement of the conference please let us
You are very much welcome to plan attending the conference again. We are looking
forward to meeting you at the our anniversary 30th conference in Portorož
from 23rd to 25th March 2011.
We will keep you informed about theme of the conference, news and important
Prof. dr. Tomaž Kern
Chair of the conference programme committee
Photo: Livade.net
© 2009 University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Center for Education and Consulting
Kidričeva cesta 55a, SI-4000 Kranj, Slovenia, Tel.: +386 (4) 2374 345, Fax: +386 (4) 2374 299