24. - 26. March 2010, Portorož, Slovenia         

About the conference

Conference on organizational sciences development is a special kind of conference!
For a few days every year, for 29 years in a row so far, several hundred professionals dealing with organizations and organizing decide to trade their work environments for a visit to Portorož. A few working days of time is a significant wealth. So why waste this wealth? During all these years it became apparent that the reason lies in the people this conference brings together. Meetings and networking among people who are dealing with similar problems and researching similar opportunities. It is the people, often colleagues by profession, who have a lot to share and can offer each other a helping hand. The added value is achieved through transfer of experiences between the business world and the academia, transfer of ideas among different business environments and sharing one's own solutions as outcomes of problem solving in specific situations. In all of the above can be found the answers as to why it is worth investing your valuable time.

Looking forward to meeting you in Portorož.





Prof. dr. Tomaž Kern
Chair of the conference programme committee



© 2009 University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Center for Education and Consulting

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