Conference Programme - WEDNESDAY, 20.3.2013
Študentsko mednarodno tekmovanje v študiji primera / International Student Case Study Competition (ENG) | |
Pokrovitelj Tekmovanja v študiji primera / Sponsored
During their study many students obtain a wider insight into the applicable knowledge and participate in finding new solutions to modern challenges from domestic and foreign environment. This year's third international case study competition is an opportunity, where different groups of students from domestic as well as foreign faculties come to compete face to face. The concept of case study is a methodological and pedagogic-oriented challenge, aimed at integration of different theoretical concepts and situations from the real business environment. For this reason alone the case study methodology allows participants, to work out a detailed insight into the practical business-oriented problem of the studied organization or company Through diverse discussions as a method of active learning we encourage the adoption and development of critical and creative thinking that is necessary in the field of management. Members of the winning team will receive practical prizes from our sponsor Diners Club. |
Management poslovnih in proizvodnih procesov / Business Process and Production Management (SLO) | |||||||||||||||||||||
dvorana/hall: MEDITERANEA II | |||||||||||||||||||||
vodi/chair: Benjamin Urh | |||||||||||||||||||||
9.00 - 12.30 (odmor/break: 10.30 - 11.00) | |||||||||||||||||||||
1. Vplivni delavniki učinkovitosti izvajanja poslovnih procesov / Influence Factors of Business Process Performance Efficiency | Benjamin Urh, Tomaž Kern | ||||||||||||||||||||
2. Študija primera usposabljanja za vitko proizvodnjo / A Case Study on Training for Lean Manufacturing | Milan Bavec, Peter Metlikovič, Niko Herakovič | ||||||||||||||||||||
3. Ali ISO 9001 podpira vitko organizacijo? / Does ISO 9001 Support Lean Organization? | Milena Alič | ||||||||||||||||||||
4. Organizacijsko informacijska platforma Exceed / Organizational Information Platform Exceed | Vid Ogris, Tomaž Bergant, Klemen Kovačič | ||||||||||||||||||||
5. Alokacija znanj resursov na delovne vloge z uporabo mehke logike / Allocation of Resources’ Knowledge on Working Roles using the Fuzzy Logic | Maja Zajec, Matjaž Roblek | ||||||||||||||||||||
6. Sistem izboljšanja produktivnosti, vezan na nagrajevanje zaposlenih – študija primera / Productivity Improvement System Connected to Variable Workers Compensation- Case Study | Janez Selan, Peter Metlikovič | ||||||||||||||||||||
7. Problem eno-dimenzijskega razreza in kopičenje uporabnih ostankov / The One-Dimensional Cutting Stock Problem and the Accumulation of Usable Leftovers | Mirko Gradišar, Mitja Štiglic, Luka Tomat | ||||||||||||||||||||
Srečanje programskega odbora konference / Meeting of the Programme Committee of the Conference | |||||||||||||||||||||
dvorana/hall: ADRIA II | |||||||||||||||||||||
vodi / chair: Robert Leskovar | |||||||||||||||||||||
12.30 - 13.30 | |||||||||||||||||||||
PREDSTAVITEV ''Karierni center FOV - od ideje do zaposlitve'' / PRESENTATION ''Career Center FOV - From an Idea to Employment (SLO) | |||||||||||||||||||||
dvorana/hall: EMERALD | |||||||||||||||||||||
vodi / chair: Marko Urh | |||||||||||||||||||||
13.00 - 13.50 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Due to lack of knowledge and lack of connection many entrepreneurs start their business way make completely unnecessary errors. Faculty of Organizational Sciences’ Career Center in collaboration with the Development Centre for Information and Communication Technology (RC ICT) assist students in all phases of start-up companies in the form of professional business plan preparation, mentoring, consulting, IT support, business facilities, links with the environment, sources of funding and other essential important business matters. Therefore, take advantage of an opportunity that can change lives for the better. |
OKROGLA MIZA / ROUND TABLE: ESTIEM - nove priložnosti / ESTIEM - Window to New Opportunities (ENG) | |||||||||||||||||||||
dvorana/hall: MEDITERANEA I | |||||||||||||||||||||
vodi/chair: Rok Pintar | |||||||||||||||||||||
13.00 - 14.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Although studying is important by itself, we cannot forget about the importance of experience and practical knowledge gained with extracurricular activities. ESTIEM is an international organization, which offers activities like case study and rhetoric competitions, seminars, studying foreign cultures and summer academies in the whole European area. Aside from that, ESTIEM members are attending various international conferences. All this activities benefit in gaining better knowledge that cannot be obtained by studying alone. In addition, you can gain new acquaintances and improve your employment possibilities. |
Otvoritev konference s plenarnim delom / Opening of the Conference with Plenary Session (ENG) | |||||||||||||||||||||
dvorana/hall: EMERALD | |||||||||||||||||||||
vodi/chair: Robert Leskovar | |||||||||||||||||||||
14.00 - 16.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Otvoritev konference / Opening of the conference | |||||||||||||||||||||
Plenarno zasedanje / Plenary Session: | |||||||||||||||||||||
Keynote lecture: Future Business with Internet of Things |
Werner Dorfmeister, Hewlet Packard | ||||||||||||||||||||
Management v izobraževanju / Education Management (SLO) | |||||||||||||||||||||
dvorana/hall: ADRIA II | |||||||||||||||||||||
vodi/chair: Marko Urh | |||||||||||||||||||||
16.30 - 19.30 (odmor/break: 18.00- 18.30) | |||||||||||||||||||||
1. Razvoj visokega šolstva v času recesije / Development of Higher Education in the Period of Recession | Nadja Plazar, Iris Skrt, Branka Palčič | ||||||||||||||||||||
2. Zadovoljstvo študentov v izobraževalnih procesih / Student Satisfaction in Educational Processes | Katjuša Piber, Tamara Gerdej, Rok Pintar | ||||||||||||||||||||
3. Učitelji, stopničke kariere in delovne izkušnje / Teachers, Career Steps and Work Experience | Adi Moretti, Melita Moretti, Ivan Ropar | ||||||||||||||||||||
4. Študija primera v izobraževanju in gospodarstvu, Razvoj kadrov - študija primera / Case study Method in Education and Business, Personnel Development - A Case Study Method | Velimir Tasić, Lea Bajželj | ||||||||||||||||||||
5. Visoka nefleksibilnost univerze je sistemsko pogojena pomanjkljivost / High Inflexibility is a System Conditioned Drawback | Franc Čuš, Valentina Gečevska | ||||||||||||||||||||
6. Kakovost v izobraževalnem procesu na Višji strokovni šoli Biotehniškega centra Naklo / The Quality of the Educational Process at the Higher Vocational College Biotechnical Centre Naklo | Sabina Šegula, Bety Breznik, Milena Jerala | ||||||||||||||||||||
7. Evalvacija različnih pristopov za izdelavo urnika v slovenskih osnovnih šolah / Evaluation of Different Approaches for Solving Primary School Timetabling Problems in Slovenia | Vid Ogris, Kristl Ogris, Davorin Kofjač | ||||||||||||||||||||
Marketing / Marketing (ENG) | |||||||||||||||||||||
dvorana/hall: EMERALD | |||||||||||||||||||||
vodi / chair: Polona Šprajc | |||||||||||||||||||||
16.30 - 19.30 (odmor/break: 18.00- 18.30) | |||||||||||||||||||||
1. Internet and Social Networks as Modern Sources of Information and Ways of Selling | Natalija Klemenčič, Beno Klemenčič | ||||||||||||||||||||
2. Facebook Marketing | Maja Djurica, Nina Djurica, Miha Marič, Marko Jovanović | ||||||||||||||||||||
3. Advertising Perception with Celebrities | Primož Jazbič, Polona Šprajc | ||||||||||||||||||||
4. The Financial Indicators of Brand Measuring | Marko Jovanović, Radmila Janičić, Maja Djurica | ||||||||||||||||||||
5. Marketing Aspects in Inter-Organizational Cooperation | Wlodzimierz Sroka, Joanna Łodziana-Grabowska | ||||||||||||||||||||
6. Marketing Communications in Art's Institutions | Radmila Janičić, Mirjana Gligorijević, Vinka Filipović | ||||||||||||||||||||
7. Does the Type of Customer Influence the Level of Perceived Burnout Among Salespeople? | Erik Ružić, Dragan Benazić | ||||||||||||||||||||
8. Analysis and Optimization of Promotions via Coupon Portals | Marko Šetinc | ||||||||||||||||||||
9. Price and Distribution Management in Contemporary Croatian Publishing Industry | Maja Martinović, Ana Kuštrak, Martina Čaić | ||||||||||||||||||||
10. Marketing of Ornamental Plants in Slovenia | Sabina Šegula | ||||||||||||||||||||
Kadrovski management / Human Resource management (SLO) | |||||||||||||||||||||
dvorana/hall: MEDITERANEA I | |||||||||||||||||||||
vodi/chair: Vesna Novak | |||||||||||||||||||||
16.30 - 19.30 (odmor/break: 18.00- 18.30) | |||||||||||||||||||||
1. Kompetence strokovnjaka logistike: Pričakovanja Slovenskih organizacij in standardi Evropskega logističnega združenja / Competences of a Logistics Expert: Expectations of Slovenian Organizations and European logistics Association Standards | Vaska Pejić, Irena Gorenak | ||||||||||||||||||||
2. Varčevanje, racionalizacija in management / Economizing, Rationalization and Management | Janez Zeni | ||||||||||||||||||||
3. Trg dela in fleksibilna organiziranost delodajalca / Labour Market and Flexible Organization of Employer | Drago Mežnar | ||||||||||||||||||||
4. Vloga napitnine pri zmanjševanju stroškov dela / The Role of Tipping in Reducing Labour Costs | Andrej Raspor, Gozdana Miglič, Goran Vukovič, Blaž Rodič | ||||||||||||||||||||
5. Razmišljanje študentov o karieri / How Students Consider their Career | Vesna Novak, Polona Šprajc | ||||||||||||||||||||
6. Prednosti sodelovanja študentov v kariernem centru / Benefits of Participating Students in the Career Center | Vesna Novak, Polona Šprajc | ||||||||||||||||||||
Organizacija in management / Organization and Management (SLO) | |||||||||||||||||||||
dvorana/hall: MEDITERANEA II | |||||||||||||||||||||
vodi / chair: Miha Marič | |||||||||||||||||||||
16.30 - 19.30 (odmor: 18.00- 18.30) | |||||||||||||||||||||
1. Civilna in kazenska odgovornost managerjev / Civil and Criminal Liability of Managers | Dora Najrajter | ||||||||||||||||||||
2. Analogija pojmovanja organizacije / Analogical Reasoning Organization | Mirko Macher | ||||||||||||||||||||
3. Vpliv ciljev, vrednot, poslanstva, vizije na uspešnost in učinkovitost podjetja / Impact Aims, Values, Mission, Vision Effectiveness and Efficiency of the Company | Ivana Šinkovec | ||||||||||||||||||||
4. Kako pri odločitvah uporabiti hevristike in se ne zmotiti? / How to use Heuristics in Decision-Making and not make a Mistake? | Branko Lobnikar, Urška Hozjan | ||||||||||||||||||||
5. Nove komunikacijske tehnologije - smo jih pripravljeni prepoznati in uporabiti? / New Communication Technologies - Are we Ready to Recognize and Use it? | David Vrtin | ||||||||||||||||||||
6. Organizacija in zavestnost - ob modelu 'Sinusoida 2000' / Organization and Consciousness - At the Model 'Sinusoid 2000' | Jožef Ovsenik, Marija Ovsenik | ||||||||||||||||||||
7. Organizacija majhnega javnega zavoda kot primer dobre prakse za optimiranje delovanja javnega sektorja/ Organization of a Small Public Institute as a Best Practice Example for Optimization of the Public Sector Performance | Mirjam Dular, Darij Krajčič | ||||||||||||||||||||
8. Izdelava organizacijskega modela upravljanja s problematiko kaznivih dejanj napadov na policiste / Elaborating an Organizational Model for Managing Criminal Acts of Assault on Police Officers | Srečko Felix Krope, Branko Lobnikar, Milan Pagon | ||||||||||||||||||||
DRUŽABNI DOGODEK / SOCIAL EVENT: | |||||||||||||||||||||
Restavracija / Restaurant: SUNSET | |||||||||||||||||||||
20.00 |