30th Annual International Conference
on Organizational Science Development
Future Organization
Program konference - PETEK / Conference Programme - FRIDAY, 25.3.2010
Časovni razpored/ Schedule: | Adria I | Adria II | Emerald I | Emerald II | Mediteranea I | Mediteranea II |
9.00 - 10.30 | Plenarno zasedanje / Plennary Session (vodi / chair: Andreja Pucihar) | |||||
10.30 - 10.45 | odmor / break | |||||
10.45 - 14.00 (odmor/break: 12.00 - 12.30) | Ekonomika in management/ Economics and Management (vodi / chair: Aleš Novak)(ENG) | Management v izobraževanju / Education Management (vodi / chair: Marko Urh) | Management v zdravstvu / Healthcare Management (vodi / chair: Olga Šušteršič) | Sekcija doktorskih študentov / PhD Students' Session (vodi / chair: Mirjana Kljajić) (ENG) | Kadrovski management / Human Resource Management (vodi / chair: Janez Zeni) | Ekološki management / Ecology Management (vodi / chair: Drago Vuk) |
PLENARNO ZASEDANJE / Plennary Session | |
dvorana/hall: EMERALD II | |
vodi/chair: Andreja Pucihar | |
9.00 - 10.30 | |
Plenarno zasedanje / Plennary Session: | |
Assessment of Innovation Potential in Small and Medium Enterprises | Robert Leskovar, Alenka Baggia, Peter Metlikovič, Ana Kuntarič, Wladimir Polzer, Conny Christl |
XaaS – New Information Systems Sevices Paradigm | Tomi Iljaš |
From Vision to Success | Ernest Aljančič |
Ekonomika in management / Economics and Management (ENG) | |
dvorana/hall: ADRIA I | |
vodi/chair: Aleš Novak | |
10.45 - 14.00 (odmor/break: 12.00 - 12.30) | |
Osnutek mednarodnega standarda o pripoznavanju prihodkov in njegov vpliv na informacije o podjetju / Draft of the International Standard on Revenue Recognition and Its Influence on Information about Enterprises | Aleš Novak |
Identification and Measurement of Competitiveness Value Driver's | Pavel Marinič |
Business Zones - Important Elements of Economic Development of the Istrian County | Tamara Paris |
Theoretical Analysis of Partitioned Prices | Daniel Tomić |
Managing Financial Structure in Financial Turmoil | Dean Učkar, Sven Carlin |
Convergence Analysis among the Ten European Transition Economies | Borut Vojinović, Žan J. Oplotnik |
From Knowledge Based to Knowledge Entrepreneurship Economy and Society – The Serbian paradox | Maja Levi Jaksic, Sanja Marinkovic, Jasna Petković |
Pristranskosti finančnih analitikov skozi vedenjske finance / Biases of Financial Analysts through Behavioral Finance | Maruša Plavec |
Analiza uravnoteženosti banke / Analysis of Bank Equilibrium | Alfio Barbieri |
Management v izobraževanju / Education Management | |
dvorana/hall: ADRIA II | |
vodi/chair: Marko Urh | |
10.45 - 14.00 (odmor/break: 12.00 - 12.30) | |
Pomen sodelovanja profesorjev s študenti: študija dveh družboslovnih fakultet / The Importance of Professor-Student Cooperation: A Study of Two Faculties | Tamara Gerdej, Bogdan Mali, Miha Marič |
Pomen anketiranja študentov na fakulteti / The Importance of Interviewing Students in the Faculty | Tatjana Kovač |
Primerjava Fakultete za organizacijske vede in Fakultete za logistiko, glede vplivnih dejavnikov na študentovo angažiranost pri predavanjih in vajah / A Comparison of the Faculty of Organizational Sciences and the Faculty of Logistics Regarding the Factors of Their Students' Commitment During Lessons and Practical Classes | Špela Cvek Gošte, Marino Medeot, Metoda Strmljan |
Primerjava Fakultete za organizacijske vede in Fakultete za logistiko, glede dejavnikov motivacije študentov v izobraževalni organizaciji / A Comparison of the Faculty of Organizational Sciences and the Faculty of Logistics Regarding the Factors of Their Students' Motivation in an Educational Organisation | Špela Cvek Gošte, Marino Medeot, Metoda Strmljan |
Plemenitenje študijskega procesa / Finishing the Study Process | Anton Mihelič |
Povezovanje za učenje med visokošolskimi zavodi in podjetji / Networking for Learning between Higher Education Institutions and Enterprises | Suzana Košir |
Upravljanje z raziskovalnimi podatki / Scientific Data Management | Aleš Lipnik |
Management v zdravstvu / Healthcare Management | |
dvorana/hall: EMERALD I | |
vodi/chair: Olga Šušteršič | |
10.45 - 14.00 (odmor/break: 12.00 - 12.30) | |
V prihajajočo dobo s prenovo procesa sprejema urgentnih pacientov / In the Future with Reengineering of the Admission Process of Emergency Patients | Zvonka Fekonja |
Ali prostovoljstvo vpliva na uspešnost »ugled« organizacije / Whether Volunteering Affects the Performance of the Organization? | Jožica Rešetič |
Izboljšanje kakovosti upravljanja antikoagulacijake ambulante v splošni bolnišnici Celje / Improvement of Quality Management System in Anticoagulation Outpatient Clinic in General Hospital Celje | Andreja Hrovat Bukovšek |
Najdaljše dopustne čakalne dobe za radiološke storitve / Maximum Permissible Waiting Times for Radiological Services | Darja Jereb, Marija Peterlin |
Nova doba radiologije / A New Era of Radiology | Mateja Kofjač |
Izboljšanje kakovosti odvzema in transporta bioloških vzorcev / Improving the Quality of Collection and Transport of Biological Samples | Hilda Maze |
Sekcija doktorskih študentov / PhD Students' Session (ENG) | |
dvorana/hall: EMERALD II | |
vodi/chair: Mirjana Kljajić Borštnar | |
10.45 - 14.00 (odmor/break: 12.00 - 12.30) | |
Competence Management in Hungary – A Comparison of Two Regions | Bernadett Baka-Pauer |
Daoist Leadership | Miha Uhan, Vlado Dimovski |
Organization as a Molecule: Modeling Organizations Using the Molecular Framework | Vlado Dimovski, Milan Hodošček, Matej Janežič |
Competence Profile of an Elementary School Headmaster | Domen Kovačič, Janez Mayer |
The Impact of Working and Organizational Factors on the Occurrences of Burnout Syndrome in Slovenian Social Welfare Institutions | Ljiljana Leskovic, Goran Vukovič |
Social Entrepreneurship and Introduction of ReUse Centers in Slovenia | Katja Zajko |
Risk and Incentives in Franchising | Edita Bečić |
Applied Value Investing on the Croatian Stock Market | Sven Carlin |
Environmentally Oriented Product Assessment | Jana Ďurišová |
Internet and Indicative Publications | Irena Kranjc |
Modern Challenges of Computer Patent Law | Roman Faganel |
Organizational Maturity (Maturity Matrix Dentistry - MMD) as a Factor of Productivity of Dental Practices in Slovenia | Rok Škrbinc |
Project for Improving Patient Flow in Emergency Department | Stanko Grabljevec, Andrej Škraba |
Opportunities for Improvement in Manufacture of Medical Devices | Franc Koplan, Zvone Balantič |
Kadrovski management / Human Resource Management | |
dvorana/hall: MEDITERANEA I | |
vodi/chair: Janez Zeni | |
10.45 - 14.00 (odmor/break: 12.00 - 12.30) | |
Redni letni razgovor kot element razvoja kadrov / Regular Annual Interview as Part of Human Resource Development | Mojca Bernik, Urška Hirci Zadel |
Redni letni razgovori na Zavodu za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje Republike Slovenije / Regular Annual Interviews at the Institute of Pension and Disability Insurance of the Republic of Slovenia | Nives Turk, Eva Jereb |
Izgradnja e-gradiva za redne letne razgovore / Producing Electronic Materials for Regular Annual Interview | Eva Jereb, Marko Urh, Primož Jeralič |
Osebna zavzetost zaposlenih - ključni dejavnik uspeha
podjetja / Employee Engagement - A Key Success Factor for
Branko Lobnikar, Vlasta Grom |
Managerske pogodbe o zaposlitvi / Managers' Employment Contracts | Janez Zeni |
Proučevanje vloge socialnega konteksta organizacij pri upravljanju s kadri / The Role of Social Context in Human Resource Management | Katarina Babnik |
Corporate Security and the Importance of Survey on the Working Environment | Denis Čaleta |
Ekološki management / Ecology and Management | |
dvorana/hall: MEDITERANEA II | |
vodi/chair: Drago Vuk | |
10.45 - 14.00 (odmor/break: 12.00 - 12.30) | |
Ecological Footprint as Sustainability Indicator of Students Environmental Awareness Level at Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Maribor | Sonja Išljamović, Nataša Petrović, Veljko Jeremić, Drago Vuk, Marjan Senegačnik |
Ecological Management in Modern Business Organizational Systems | Petronije Jevtić, Ljiljana Stošić-Mihajlović |
Attitude of Secondary School Students from Gorenjska Region to Separated Waste Collection – Campaign Pozor(!)ni za okolje (Attentive owards the Environment) | Marjan Senegačnik, Drago Vuk, Robert Leskovar, Alenka Baggia, Ana Verčko Grilec |
Primer dobre prakse sodelovanja gospodarske družbe z izobraževalnimi institucijami - kampanja Pozor(!) ni za okolje / An Example of Good Practise of Cooperation between the Company and Educational Institutions - the Campaign Pozor(!) ni za okolje (Attentive Towards the Environment) | Branka Jarc Kovačič, Ana Vrečko Grilec |
Vpliv predvidene umestitve ekološkega objekta na vrednost nepremičnin v neposredni okolici / Impact of a Planned Ecological Building on the Value of Real Estates in the Immediate Neighbourhood | Silvo Plesnik, Drago Vuk |
Vpliv neuravnoteženosti ekonomsko -energetskih kazalcev na ekološke razmere v svetu in pri nas / The Impact of Economic Imbalances - Energy Indicators in the Ecological Conditions in the World and in Our Country. | Davorin Žnidarič |
Čiščenje komunalnih odpadnih voda na ruralnih področjih Zasavja / Clining of Municipal Waste Waters on Remote Rural Areas of Zasavje | Davorin Žnidarič, Drago Vuk |
Model postavitve Rastlinskih čistilnih naprav v različne pokrajinske tipe RS / Model of Establishment of Wetlands in Different Types of Environments in the Republic of Slovenia | Darja Kukovičič, Drago Vuk, Danijel Vrhovšek |
Bo razvoj sončnih elektrarn v času recesije zastal? / Will the Development of Solar Electric Power Plants Stop During the Recession? | Drago Papler, Štefan Bojnec |
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© 2010 University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Center for Education and Consulting
Kidričeva cesta 55a, SI-4000 Kranj, Slovenia, Tel.: +386 (4) 2374 345, Fax: +386 (4) 2374 299