Invited Speaker – Lucija Živa Sajevec

Lucija Živa Sajevec

AMZS, družba za opravljanje storitev članom AMD in drugim udeležencem v cestnem prometu, d. d.



Title: Leader as an Engine in a Digital Era

The most recent trends related to mobility predict an extremely fascinating period filled with challenges and new opportunities.
Will we manage to reduce the level of uncertainty, take advantage of the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead with our inclusion in rapid digital progress?

During the digital transformation leaders do not solely act as the driving force behind a business, their role goes far beyond that during an era of rapid changes. During the fourth industrial revolution parallels can be drawn between company management and the changes in operating vehicles which are becoming increasingly autonomous. Various professions and businesses are being merged together during the design and manufacture of autonomous vehicles. In an era of developing new technologies and materials, the digitalisation breakthrough and the global (un)availability of resources, all stakeholders should be actively involved.

There are multiple facets of collaboration in management – businesses with external stakeholders, senior management with employees, experts among themselves, employees within the scope of work teams, actually everyone cooperates. Integration requires good cooperation for which suitable and high-quality mutual relationships are needed. It is crucial that changes are implemented through our joint efforts, values and experience, often in a completely simple manner: through open communication, listening carefully and complimenting others sincerely. The important role that people (employees) play in all this should always be noted. They are crucial for moving forward, if, of course, they are ready to do so, have a positive attitude to changes, follow trends and during this process also see their (own) opportunity for development.

A clearly outlined and updated vision that responds to the question of WHY WE OPERATE and WHAT WILL OUR BUSINESS LOOK LIKE IN THE FUTURE is of key importance for our company’s continuous development. When drafting and implementing the company’s vision leaders play a key role. During this leadership leaders should encourage development in all key areas of operation.

In the past our company has gone through various eras, different trends of mobility and a number of uncertainties. During this we have always sought opportunities associated with safe mobility. Most recently, in particular, we have recognised the significance of developing the skills of employees and the concept of leading by example. As a result we have strengthened the culture of solid companionships and raised the level of our services. We believe in collaborative leadership, which during this digitalisation era will be the driving force behind implementing the required changes.