Invited Speakers

Matjaž Perc, PhD.

University of Maribor

Title of the invited speech: Human Cooperation in an Uncertain World

Nataša Pirc Musar, PhD.

Law Firm Pirc Musar

Title of the invited speech: New European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – Will Our Personal Data be Better Protected?

Lucija Živa Sajevec

AMZS, družba za opravljanje storitev članom AMD in drugim udeležencem v cestnem prometu, d. d.

Title of the invited speech: Leader as an Engine in a Digital Era 

Tadej Nared

SICEH (Slovenian Certified Ethical Hackers)

Title of the invited speech:  Cybersecurity as Foundation of Modern Society (Through Recap of SICEH Foundation Projects)

Boštjan Špehonja

SICEH (Slovenian Certified Ethical Hackers)

Title of the invited speech:  Znanje je najboljsi antivirusni program (demo prikazi aktualnih spletnih prevar)