Dear Conference Participants, 29th Bled eConference: Digital Economy has been successfully concluded. This year we had over 200 participants from more than 25 countries. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our conference co-chairs, program committee members, authors, reviewers, presenters, panel and EU meetings participants, our organising team,…
Dear Colleagues, 29th Bled eConference is about to start. Please follow the updates on conference Facebook page.
Dear Colleagues, please note that PC meeting will be held on Sunday, June 19 at 17:00 in Libertas Hall in Hotel Golf. Looking forward to meeting you all very soon!
Dear Colleagues, please see Final Conference Program !
Dear Colleagues, draft conference program has been prepared. Please note that updates with more details will be available in next days. Program-Bled 2016
Dear Authors, please note that the deadline for final submission of research papers is May 16, 2016.
Dear Authors, notifications for all the papers, students bazaar and doctoral consortium have been done. We congratulate to all the authors of accepted papers. At the same time we regret that some of the papers were rejected, but the competition was really high this year. We thank authors for submitting their…
Dear Authors, we apologise for delay with notifications. The review process is still in progress. New notifications deadline is Monday, April 18, 2016. Thank you for your patience.
Innovation and Design Science Research Alan R. Hevner Professor and Eminent Scholar Information Systems and Decision Sciences Muma College of Business University of South Florida Presentation Abstract While the importance of innovation as a dominant driver of societal and economic progress is well established, the processes and outcomes…
Dear Authors, thank you very much for your contributions. All the papers are under review process. Deadline for notifications is April 11, 2016.