Poster Session

Note: avoid too much text, non-consistent structure and unclear pictures. The poster proposal is limited to 10.000 characters (with spaces) or 5 pages. The official languages of the Student poster session are English and Slovene.


Your poster has two goals:

  • to attract attention
  • exchange the message of your poster with the other conference participants

Concepts of efficient poster design:
fast (shallow) reading would take 3-4 minutes

  • The reader will usually be concentrated no more than 6-8 minutes.
  • Include text, tables, graphs, photos, and schemes in order to make communication more precise and smooth.
  • If you have an opportunity to print your professional poster – do it. Otherwise build your poster piecewise with segments of A4 and A3 paper sheets.
  • The panel for your poster will have dimension 90 cm x 180 cm. Fill the entire area, but consider several sections and columns to fit introduction, methods results, discussion, and references.
  • Use simple font for title (for example Arial or Times New Roman) with approximate size of 72. Your poster title should be generally readable from up to 10 m distance.
  • Use simple font for body text (for example Arial or Times New Roman) with approximate size of 20 to 24.
  • Use no more than two different fonts and simple color scheme. Too many colors will probably diminish your message.
  • Participants will not be attracted to with excellent research followed by poor presentations.

The content

  • Title: no longer than 10-12 words. Precise. Accurate. Focus on the content.
  • Authors: the list of authors and their affiliation. First author will be the presenter, the contents of the poster must be agreed with all authors. Please indicate mentor separately.
  • Abstract: brief content of the poster
  • Introduction: what is the field/area of the poster? Why did you start the topic/problem?
  • Aims and goals: briefly state both
  • Methods: list of methods and justification of their use
  • Results: How did you conduct the experiment/research? What did you find out?
  • Conclusions: What is the meaning of the results? How can be used? Where can be used?