During the 38th International Conference on Organizational Science Development you will have a chance to participate in Poster session. Share your ideas and achievements with the industry, public sector, and within the academic community.
This year’s conference program will embrace lectures, round tables, seminars, business meetings, workshops, doctoral consortia, and student poster session on “Organization and Uncertainty in the Digital Age“.
It is expected that authors of the posters are available for presentation in one conference time slot which will be determined later. During the conference all participants will be exposed to your posters and therefore we welcome your presence as well as the presence of the student mentors. Selected authors and mentors will receive further details.
Submission of the poster proposal is due 10th January 2019. Please e-mail your submission to cis@fov.uni-mb.si, subject: Student poster session.
All submitted poster proposal will be reviewed and authors will receive a notification of acceptance or rejection until 31st January 2019.
Poster session committee will select and award the best posters. The best posters will be included in the conference proceedings.
The content of the poster proposal must include:
- title,
- message (subtitle),
- introduction,
- experiment,
- results,
- discusion and
- conclusion.
Note: avoid too much text, non-consistent structure and unclear pictures. The poster proposal is limited to 10.000 characters (with spaces) or 5 pages. The official languages of the Student poster session are English and Slovene.