Award for the best conference contributions

Best Paper Award: Health Services Utilization in Older Europeans: an Empirical Study authors Andrej Srakar, Rok Hren, Valentina Prevolnik Rupel. Best Student Poster: Izbira orodja za sodelovanje pri projektu authors Amira Mujanović, Luka Pirec. Winning team of the Student Case Study Competition: eπc (Žiga Cibic, Aljaž Ferencek, Špela Strojin, Blaž Sašek)

2016 Conference Photogallery

The 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development was successfully completed and we would like to thank you for beeing with us. We kindly invite you to share your suggestions, which will help us to further improve the conference. Please send to: Photogallery is available here. Aleš Novak, programme committee chair

Conference Program

Dear colleagues, we would like to inform you that we have published the program for Portorož 2016 conference. See you on Wednesday, 16th March 2016 in Congress Center Portus, Hotel Slovenija, Portorož.

Call for Papers

University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences is organizing the 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development. The conference will be held from 16th to 18th March 2016 in Portorož, Slovenia. Plenary sessions and research paper panels will bring together numerous professionals from economy, research and education, healthcare, public administration, tourism, army, police, finance and […]

Important Dates

09 November 2015 16 November 2015 (extended) – abstract submission; 23 November 2015 – abstract acceptance notification; 10 January 2016 18 January 2016 (extended) – full paper submission; 01 February 2016 – results of the review process; 10 February 2016 – final full paper submission; 29 February 2016 – earlybird registration closes.

Special Proceedings of Selected Papers of 2015 Conference

We published special proceedings of selected papers of the 34th Internatinonal Conference on Organizational Science Development: Internationalization and Cooperation. This publication contains 22 papers in English, which have been caredully selected among all the accpeted conference papers by the Conference Review Committee.