prof. dr. Vladislav Rajkovič
Univerza v Mariboru
Naslov vabljenega predavanja: In the Whirlwind of Digitalization
Prof. dr. Vladislav Rajkovič will present the ambivalent impact of digitization on human and his ecosystem. These are pluses and minuses of digitization, which represent challenges and opportunities. What are the challenges and opportunities, and how to use them to gain benefit of life and work of the individual and beyond. How to enrich business processes and wider social processes by digitizing, and not to stray. Examples will be based on some stunning solutions of modern ICT, with an emphasis on artificial intelligence and the question of what is missing in these results. Everything from the perspective of a human who decides about himself and society, and manages ecosystems in all its dimensions. In doing so, prof. dr. Vladislav Rajkovič will especially emphasize the importance of organizational sciences in solving such problems.
Prof. Dr. Vladislav Rajkovič is a professor emeritus of information systems at University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, and a senior researcher at the Intelligent Systems Department at Jožef Stefan Institute. His research interests focus on information systems and artificial intelligence methods for supporting decision processes and education.